Freshman College - Mission, Vision, and Goals
Mission Statement
The Mission of the Freshman College is to provide a foundational academic experience that actively engages students in their intellectual, personal, and professional development. The Freshman College will foster a supportive environment leading to a successful college transition, overall academic achievement, and retention of students toward graduation.
Vision Statement
Founded in the Lehman College tradition of access to excellence, the Freshman College will be a leader in the development and assessment of a dynamic and enriched learning environment of student achievement through the first two years of college.
Goals of Freshman College
- Provide a successful transition into the Lehman College community
- Promote an environment that fosters interdisciplinary studies, collaborative teaching and learning, and enhanced student services
- Foster connections between students and collaborative support services, including academic advising, career counseling, financial aid planning, academic support, and personal counseling
- Encourage academic momentum towards degree completion