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Events and Activities

Being a member of Pathways to Success means that you’ll be able to take advantage of all these student-focused services:

Earn Credits for Free College, Career & Life Planning Career Exploration Workshops Mentoring / Networking
We offer students unique professionally oriented courses to accelerate graduation and get ahead of the game during summer and winter intercessions. We provide extensive self-assessment tools, valuable information, and planning to help students achieve their academic, career, and personal goals. We lead professionally led workshops to help students define and refine their career related aspirations. We provide opportunities to connect students to the world of work and diverse cultural experiences.
Academic Assistance Netbook Lending Program Professional / Resume Building Opportunities Other Powerful Support Activities
We have expert tutoring and supplemental instructions for students as needed. Programs participants can borrow laptop computers for use at home on semester-basis. Volunteer leadership and career development opportunity within Pathways to Success headquarters.

Real-world skill-building programs available. Cultural and leadership activities are aplenty, as well.

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