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Your Academic Life

Students and professorWe understand that there’s much more to your life than just being a college student; however, it’s an undefeated truth that being able to stay on top of your academic requirements is the key to your ultimate goal: graduation. Pathways to Success is here to help you stay focused, stay balanced, and make the most of your time here at Lehman College.

Handling the Workload

Lecture. Discussion. Reading. Homework. Lab time. Lab reports. Papers. Research. Midterms. Group work. Finals. And repeat! What’s a busy college student to do? Well, we have workshops geared towards combating stress, ending testing anxiety, increasing your self-confidence, and balancing school/life/work.  We also have tips for working on group assignments, how to ask for extensions, and much more. Check with Pathways for upcoming events and activities in this area. 

Choosing Your Academic Path

From selecting classes to selecting a major, the array of academic options available to you may be extremely overwhelming. We can help you figure out how to narrow down your choices and create an academic experience that's exactly suited to your career goals. Learn how to pick your classes, what to do if a class is full, how to pick a job, whether you should double major, the importance of taking some distributions and not other. We’re here to support SEEK Counselors to ensure that you’re on the right path academically.

Interacting with Professors

Your professors may seem intimidating at first, but most college professors are interesting, engaging people who want to help you succeed the best way they know how. Knowing how to make the most of your interactions with them can have a significant and long-lasting impact on your academic experience. Do you know how to get to know your professors? If you need a recommendation letter, do you know how to request one that will surely add value to your application? Building the right working relationship with your professors can enhance your academic experience greatly, so ask us how we can help you get your professors to become your allies.

Overcoming Challenges Along the Way

While balancing the usual college requirements can be hard enough, life sometimes gets in the way. And while things can sometimes seem completely overwhelming, there is almost always a way to figure out how to stay on track academically despite your circumstances. What to do if you’re failing a class? What to do if you’ve failed a class? How to petition for a grade change? How to avoid plagiarism?  Should you add or drop a class? How can you best handle unexpected illness or personal situations? These are all issues that may lead to serious consequences if that handled correctly. Come in and talk to us!

Finding Balance

True, you may be able to get everything done during your time in school, but it may not be pretty. Finding and maintaining balance amidst the chaos of your college life can be a challenge, but it also can become crucial for preventing burnout and sustaining yourself until graduation day. Learn from us the ways you can balance your work and academic responsibilities. Can you participate in extracurricular activities and still do well in your course work? What should you do during your summer and winter breaks that can complement the work you’re doing in your classes? Let’s find out together! Speak with us.

The Value of Your Academic Life

Earning a college degree provides you with a lifetime of benefits: intellectual, academic, social, financial, personal, professional, etc. Remembering why you're working so hard for that one piece of paper can be daunting sometimes, though. What’s your definition of college success? What are some reasons why you should stay focused and excel? Are there financial and personal benefits to being a college graduate? Will all your sacrifices today pay off in the end? We’ll be happy to start a productive conversation with you!

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