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International Student Services at Lehman College


Step 1 | Apply For Your Form I-20

Before you apply for your Form I-20 BEFORE YOU APPLY!


1. New and Transfer Students: You will need a Lehman College letter or email of admissons before you can apply for the of admission to Lehman College.

2.  Change of Program Level for Continuing Students: Lehman International Students continuting a second academic program must apply for a new I-20 as well.


3. Have you received a letter or email of admission to Lehman College?

a) YES, I have received a letter (or email) of admission

b) NO, I have not received a letter (or email) of admission

YES, I have received a letter (or email) of admission

If you answered YES, you are eligible to apply for your Form I-20 . Read steps 1-6 before you apply.

1.Submit the completed Form I-20 application and all supporting documents via email, to:; Attention DSOs/I-20 App.

2. Make sure the application is complete and all supporttng documents are attached  to the email in one pdf file.

3. Allow up to 5 business days for the International Student Advisor / Designated School Official ( DSO ) to determine your elegibility for the form I-20.

4. The International Student Advisor / Designated School Official ( DSO ) will review and process I-20 application and contact you if additional documentation is needed.

5. The International Studnet Advisor / Designated School Official ( DSO ) will notify you via email when all I-20 application requierement have been meet and the your I-20 is ready t mailing or pick up.

6. Complete Form I-20 "Application" (click)


Step 2 Apply for your F-1 visa
NO, I have not received a letter (or email) of admission
If you have not applied for admission to Lehman College, please apply for admissions to one of the following academic programs.

Bachelor’s Degree
Shuster Hall Room 161

Shuster Hall Room 150

If you have applied for admission to Lehman College but you have not received a letter or email of admission to Lehman College, please check the status of your CUNY/Lehman application here: CUNY Admissions Application Status website.

Carman Hall Room 128