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Readmission to Lehman College


Whether you have just taken a semester off, or are returning to Lehman College after many years, we are certain when you entered Lehman College your intention was to graduate.  Congratulations on taking the first step toward getting yourself back on the path to degree completion! The readmission process is simple. Please select the appropriate link below.

Your interest in completing your studies is commendable! We believe we can support you along the way by providing the opportunity for an excellent education with high quality student support services.  Upon your readmission to the college our staff in academic advising, career development and all other student service areas will be eager to assist you as you select your classes and prepare for internship and job opportunities in your field of interest.

Your accomplishments thus far are something to be proud of; however, the completion of your degree is something that will serve you throughout your lifetime:


Education attained Unemployment rate in 2021 (Percent) Median weekly earnings in 2021 ($)
Master's degree 2.0 1737
Bachelor's degree 2.2 1493
Associate's degree 2.7 1058
Some college, no degree 3.3 992
All workers 3.0 1170


Note: Data are for persons age 25 and over. Earnings are for full-time wage and salary workers.

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics; Current Population Survey

We wish you the best of luck and hope to see you very soon!