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Summer Program for High School Students


The Lehman College Summer Program for High School students is offered through the Office of Special Academic Sessions. This unique program is specifically designed for students who are high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors in the 2023-24 academic year and are seeking a summer college experience. Different from many high school programs, participants will be able to attend a class of their choice (subject to satisfaction of any prerequisites) alongside current Lehman College students as well as visiting students from other colleges and universities. Students enrolling in the program may choose to take a course during either of the terms that begin in July. Course credit earned by program participants is transferrable to most colleges and universities nationwide. Click here to view the list of recommended courses.

Applications will be accepted for this program beginning in April of each year. The deadline for submitting Summer program applications is July 9th. In order to qualify for this program, students must have a minimum high school GPA of 80 and either (1) scored 75+ on the Common Core English Language Arts Regents exam, or (2) scored 500+ on the SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing section, or (3) have an 80+ GPA in both English and Social Studies courses.

Rising juniors and seniors must submit the Summer Application for High School Students, a Counselor Recommendation, and a high school transcript.  Graduating high school seniors should submit the Visiting Student Application, their high school transcript, and, if available, a copy of their Fall schedule from the college that they will be attending. Students who participate in this program will be charged non-degree tuition and fees for the courses.

All application materials should be uploaded to our secure digital dropbox. If you have questions about the program, please email the Visiting Students Office.

Students who are attending a public school in New York City may prefer to explore the College Now option instead, since tuition is waived for eligible students who take courses offered through that program. Please visit their website and contact them directly with any questions related to course offerings or eligibility.