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College Latin Honors Eligibility and Criteria Designation

College Latin Honors

College Latin Honors affords recognition for academic excellence achieved over the duration of a student’s official undergraduate coursework at Lehman College. Summa cum laude, magna cum laude, and cum laude are the highest Latin Honors that the College bestows for sustained excellence in scholarship.

A Latin Honor is awarded only to students receiving baccalaureate degrees at the undergraduate level who meet the grade point average as prescribed in the Eligibility and Criteria Designation paragraph. Because final semester grades are processed sometime after Commencement activities, identification of College Latin Honors are tentative and unofficial, pending the submission and calculation of all final grades for the semester of commencement or the summer session.

For students with double majors, Latin Honors are awarded based on their primary major.

Eligibility and Criteria Designation

Effective Fall 2019, students are eligible for College Latin Honors at graduation if they have completed at least 50 indexable credits in residence at Lehman College, with a minimum cumulative index of 3.5 or above.

The following Latin honors may be awarded:

  • Cum Laude: Index of 3.50 – 3.749
  • Magna Cum Laude: Index of 3.75 – 3.849
  • Summa Cum Laude: Index of 3.85 – 4.0

Second degree (i.e., Masters) students are not eligible for College Latin Honors.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The final determination will be made based on the culminating GPA and credits in residence at the end of your current (last) term. Upon graduation, all students must meet the Criteria to receive Latin Honors recognition.

Honors Convocation Archives

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