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Civil Service Employees

The annual leave period is from September 1 through August 31.

A full month's credit for annual leave earnings shall be given to an employee who has been in full pay status for at least 15 calendar days during that month. Annual leave may be accrued up to two times the maximum annual leave allowance. All excess annual leave above the maximum by August 31 will be converted to sick leave as of September 1 of each year.

Note: Skilled Trades/220 titled employees vary in the amount of annual, sick, holiday leave, and compensatory time they may accrue. Employees in these titles should check with the Human Resources Department to determine what they are entitled to.

The annual leave allowance for employees in a title or an agency covered by the Leave Regulations shall accrue as follows:
Work Week Year of Service Monthly Accrual Yearly Allowance
35 hours First year 1 day, 1 hrs., 45 min. 15 Days
35 hours Begining of the 5th year 1 day, 4 hrs., 40 min. 20 Days
35 hours Beginning of 8th year 2 days and 35 min. 25 days
35 hours Beginning of 15th year 2 days, 1 hrs., 45 min. 27 days
40 hours First Year 1 day and 2 hours 15 days
40 hours Beginning of 5th year 1 day, 5 hrs., 20 min. 20 Days
40 hours Begining of the 7th year of service 1 day, 5 hrs., 20 min. 21 Days
40 hours Beginning of 8th year 2 days and 40 min. 25 days
40 hours Beginning of 15th year 2 days and 2 hrs. 27 days

Sick Leave

The sick leave allowance for all Blue and White Collar employees shall accrue as 1 day per month for a total of 12 days per year. The number of sick leave days permitted to accumulate shall be unlimited. New employees accumulate 1 day of sick leave a month after working for 1 full month for a total of 12 days per year.

Unscheduled Holidays

There are 4 unscheduled holidays (personal days) during the period from September 1–August 31 of each year. Unscheduled holidays must be used before August 31, and they may not be carried over to the next year.

Compensatory Time

Employees may earn up to 240 hours per year in compensatory time. This time must be used within 90 days of being earned, or will be added to the sick leave balance. There is no carry over of compensatory time from year to year. Use of compensatory time is scheduled by the supervisor.

Bereavement Leave

An employee may be excused without charge for a period of up to 4 days when a death occurs among members of the employee's immediate family, as provided in the applicable Leave Regulations. When the death in an employee's immediate family occurs while the employee is on annual leave or sick leave such time as is excusable for death in the family shall not be charged annual leave or sick leave.

Immediate family shall be defined as spouse; natural, foster, or step parent; grand child; mother-in-law; father-in-law; natural, foster, or step brother; natural, foster, or step sister, natural, foster, or step child or any relative residing in the same household and effective January 1, 2004, the Domestic Partner of the employee and a child or parent of the Domestic Partner or any other relative of the Domestic Partner living in the same household.

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