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Information Sessions

Is College Right for Me?

Taking the first step to starting (or re-starting) your college career can feel daunting. You might worry about balancing work and family obligations with class schedules and homework. Or you might be concerned about taking classes with traditional-age college students who recently graduated high school. While your experience may be different, many of those differences are positive and can help you on your journey.

Colleges welcome students of all ages and you may be surprised by how many adult learners you will meet and interact with. One advantage of the Adult Degree Program is that you’ll have the opportunity to take two or three classes with only other ADP students (see IBA list). These classes are designed to help you make the transition back to college, refresh your writing skills, and connect with other adult students at Lehman.

It’s also important to remember that college is a time-consuming endeavor. The reward is worth the time and effort; however, effective time management is essential. To be successful, you’ll need to plan time for reading, schoolwork, and studying outside the classroom. A time-tested formula is this: For every hour you are in class, plan 2-3 hours for studying outside of class. So, if you take two classes (6 credit hours), you will need to plan an additional 12-18 hours per week for studying. This is why many adult students prefer to attend college part-time (up to 9 credits per semester), rather than full-time (12-15 credit hours).

Keeping a calendar that includes your courses, work schedule, and family commitments is essential and will help you stay organized. You should pencil in time for studying, meals, and sleep. Seeing how your time is allocated will make it easier to decide how many classes you feel you can handle. An ADP advisor can also help you determine this.

College isn’t easy. If it was, everyone would have a degree. But returning to college is a journey you choose in order to reach personal or professional goals. Lehman’s Adult Degree Program is designed to help make your journey a success by providing the support you’ll need. Ultimately, the question to ask yourself is whether you have the time and persistence to do the work required for success. If your answer is yes, ADP is here to help. We continuously look for ways to honor your educational and professional achievements and help map the most efficient path to your degree.