Foundation Courses
CUNY Required Core
English Composition (2 courses)
- ENG111 English Composition I
- ENG121 English Composition II
*Quantitative and Mathematical Reasoning (one course)
- MAT126 Quantitative Reasoning
*Life and Physical Sciences (select one; CHE137** has a Corequisite in the Flexible Core: Scientific World CHE138**)
- ANT 120 Human Evolutionary Biology
- BIO 173 Human Biology
- CHE 137** Elements of Chemistry I
- GEO 101 Dynamic Earth
- GEO 167 Earth Evolution
- PHY 131 Conceptual Physics
- PHY 141 Sound, Speech and Music
- PHY 151 Energy and the Environment
Lehman College Option
- Foreign Language: 2 courses in the same language: beginning (elementary) level or above. Students are required to take two semesters and will be placed at the appropriate level by the Department of Languages and Literatures. More Information
Beginning or elementary language courses comprise two semesters and are numbered 111-112 or 103-104. For example, Elementary French is FRE111 and FRE112, and Elementary Latin is LAT103 and LAT104. The following languages are available at the elementary level: Arabic (ARB*), Chinese (CHI*), French (FRE), German (GER*), Hebrew (HEB), Irish (IRI), Italian (ITA), Japanese (JAL), Latin (LAT), Russian (RUS), Spanish (SPA). (Courses with an asterisk are offered off campus.) Elementary Spanish for heritage speakers is SPA113-SPA114.
Intermediate level languages are numbered in the 200's, beginning with 201. The same languages as above are offered on the intermediate level. For example, the third and fourth semesters of a language are numbered 201-202, e.g. RUS201-RUS202.
Advanced level foreign languages are numbered 300 or above.
Students who complete one semester of a language on the intermediate level or above, or who receive a waiver of the requirement, may substitute one or two of the following courses for required Foreign Language courses: ENG223: English Literature, ENG226: Shakespeare, ENG227: American Literature, HIS240: East Asian Civilization, HIS246: Civilizations of the Ancient World, HIS249: Islamic Civilization, PHI169: Critical Reasoning, PHI170: Introduction to Logic, PHI171: Problems of Philosophy, POL229: Classical Political Economy. (These courses cannot also serve to meet Distribution requirements.)
Note: Foreign Language is required as part of Lehman's College Option.