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Course Information and Registration

Here you will find descriptions of all Lehman College programs and courses. It also includes links to current and upcoming semester schedules as well as the online registration website, and tells you how to declare your major and minor, file for graduation, and request a transcript.

Additional information can be found on the Registration Information page of the Registrar's Office.

Obtaining Course Information

You can obtain course information from the online Undergraduate Bulletin.

For major and minor requirements, see your faculty advisor as well as the online Undergraduate Bulletin. Your major and minor requirements are determined by the Undergraduate Bulletin that was current at the time you filed your Declaration of Major and Minor form.

For more information about general education requirements, consult our Curriculum FAQs page or your program advisor (Adult Degree Program; Macauley Honors College; Lehman Scholars Program; CUNY Baccalaureate Program, etc.).

Registering for Classes

Before registering for classes, you should get departmental permission for all courses where required.

Graduate students need permission from their faculty advisors for ALL their courses.

For foreign language, mathematics, and English Composition courses , all students need to see the relevant department about placement in the appropriate class as well as permission to register. Selected classes in certain majors and minors may also require departmental permission to register for some or all of their courses in their programs; see the appropriate faculty advisors as needed.

Undergraduates should consult academic advisors as well as faculty advisors in their major and/or minor to ensure they meet curriculum requirements.

See our Procedures FAQs page if you have other questions about registration—for example, if you want to register for courses at another CUNY college, or if you want to take more than 18 credits in a fall or spring semester, or if you want to take more than two courses in a single summer session or more than 16 credits in the combined summer sessions.

Declaring Your Major or Minor

Undergraduates must declare a major prior to their 61st credit. Students who transfer in 60 or more credits (or who will transfer in 60 or more credits once their final semester's (CIP) worth of credits transfer) must declare a major before enrolling in courses. Students who do not declare a major by the deadline specified on that semester's Academic Calendar lose their New York State TAP (Tuition Assistance Program) funding.

While minors are no longer required at Lehman, students still have the option of completing a minor. Students who receive TAP awards and who want to complete a minor should declare that minor before their sixty-first credit.

The procedure for declaring a major or minor is to use iDeclare through Lehman One Access. Instructions can be found here.

Students may declare more than one major and/or minor. Additional information on dual majors and dual degrees can be found here.

Filing for Graduation

You should file for graduation toward the beginning of your last semester. This can be done within CUNYfirst once the filing period has opened. (Filing instructions can be found here.) The beginning and ending dates of the filing period are announced by the Graduation Audit Office. Further information about graduation can be found here and here.

Keep in mind that before you register for your last semester, you need to see your Academic Advisor or your program advisor (Adult Degree Program; Macauley Honors College ; Lehman Scholars Program; CUNY Baccalaureate Program, etc.) as well as your faculty advisor(s) to be sure you have met all graduation requirements.

Requesting Transcripts

In order to request a transcript, you must pay a fee in Shuster Hall, Room 031 ($7 per transcript if ordered on campus and $9 if ordered online as of August 2005; the fee is waived if you are sending the transcript to another CUNY college). You can request a transcript by mail or online.

You can also go to the Transcripts Office in Shuster Hall, Room 106 to fill out the appropriate request form. Official transcripts are sent directly to the school or institution you specify on your request form.

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