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C14 Certificate of Fitness: Supervision of Non-Production Chemical Laboratories

The New York City Fire Department (FDNY) requires the presence of at least one C14 C of F holder per research group (one or more laboratory rooms) during all hours of operation. Also, at least one C14 C of F holder must be present during each instructional laboratory period.

Research labs often operate well beyond “normal” business hours, and instructional lab periods are held in the evenings and on weekends. In order to ensure adequate C of F coverage, all laboratory personnel – faculty, graduate students, college lab technicians, adjuncts – are required to obtain the C14 C of F.

C14 C of F holders are responsible for monitoring FDNY compliance within their own laboratories, but not for enforcing FNDY regulations. (All lab personnel are required, however, to comply with all regulatory agencies’ requirements). Laboratories operating without a C14 C of F holder present can be issued violation orders or shut down by FDNY.

Obtaining the C14 C of F involves taking an exam on FDNY laboratory fire-prevention regulations at FDNY headquarters (MetroTech Center, Brooklyn, NY). For many years now, C14 C of F applicants with at least a Bachelor’s degree in a science or engineering field and five years of lab experience may obtain the C14 C of F without taking the exam (FDNY’s C of F Alternate Issuance Policy, AIP). All Lehman College C14 Certificates of Fitness are obtained by AIP. The requirements are:

Required documentation:

  • SIGNED  affidavit (used for C14 renewals as well) that you have read the read the 2008 FDNY regulations;
  • COMPLETED C14 application form (A20)
  • COMPLETED employee affirmation formemployee affirmation form;
  • Proof of education (photocopy of diploma or transcript; must be in English or official translation);
  • Photocopy of Lehman College Identification Card;
  • Digital photograph (taken by EH&S personnel)

Please assemble documentation for the C14 C of F and send electronically to EH&S. A digital photograph will be taken by EH&S. All applications for the C14 C of F are submitted online to FDNY through EH&S.

C14 Renewals:

Please mail the renewal documents directly to FDNY (Cashier's Office, Bureau of Fire Prevention, 9 MetroTech East, Brooklyn, New York 11201-3857). As a NYC/NYS entity, Lehman College is exempt from fees associated with C of F issuance and renewal.

Please contact EH&S about obtaining the C14 C of F.