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Summer Session Welcome

We are excited to welcome you to the Summer Session! We are glad that you are continuing to make progress toward your academic goals. Courses that meet on-campus will have either hybrid or in-person as the instruction mode and a specific room will be assigned in the schedule of classes prior to the start of the session. Online courses that have a designated meeting pattern in CUNYfirst will be meeting online during those times, while courses without designated days and times in the schedule will be offered in the asynchronous format (students will not have to be logged into the course each week at a specific time). Please review your course syllabus carefully either at your first in-person class meeting or in Blackboard once your instructor activates the course.

Preparing for Online Learning

If you are taking an online course, the Office of Online Education has a website with FAQs that will answer many of the questions that you may have about online learning at Lehman College.

Important College Resources at a Glance

Advising and Counseling

  • Academic Advising – View contact information for advising units and academic departments across the entire college.
  • Career Services – Looking for job opportunities or a resume refresher? We are here for you!
  • Counseling Center – Are you feeling overwhelmed? Unmotivated? Not yourself? The Counseling Center is a safe place to talk about any concerns you have. Online appointments are available.
  • Student Disability Services – Please visit our website for information about how to submit documentation for accommodations.

Academic Support and Resources

  • Information Technology – Check out our Student Resources page and contact the Help Desk with any IT issues!
  • Library – Library staff are available online to help you with research requests and electronic resources.
  • Tutoring – Online tutoring services are available in many academic subject areas. Take advantage of this important resource to ensure your success in your courses!

Financial Information

  • Bursar Department – Important information regarding tuition and fees and tuition payment options.
  • Financial Aid – Visiting students should contact the financial aid office at their home college or university to request a “financial aid consortium agreement,” which allows them to award financial aid to their students who qualify based on tuition and fees paid to Lehman College. Students enrolled in a degree program at Lehman College need to have a FAFSA on file for 2022-23 and 2023-24.

Admissions and Registrar

  • Admissions – You can contact them directly to resolve any Admissions Holds on your record. If you are taking courses this summer as a visiting or non-degree student, applications are still being accepted for the fall semester for freshman and transfer students. Application deadlines for some graduate programs have been extended as well!
  • Registrar – If you are a Lehman student with a “major declaration” hold on your account, submit your major declaration online via iDeclare! Other frequently accessed services available online include TAP support (Lehman students), transcript requests, and graduation applications. Diplomas will be mailed over the summer to May graduates! You can also access summer calendars (full summer and accelerated sessions).
  • Visiting Student Resource Guide – Information specifically curated for students who are enrolled in a degree program at another college or university and are taking courses at Lehman to transfer back to their home college. If you have a friend who is not a Lehman student who would like to take a course or two this summer, please refer them to for information.

Additional Resources