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SEEK Learning Resource Center (SLRC)

Location: Old Gym, Room 212
Telephone: (718) 960-7705

Hours of Operations

Monday thru Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

The SEEK Learning Resource Center offers tutoring and academic support in most academic subjects. SEEK students can take advantage of a individual one-on-one tutoring, small group tutoring, specialized academic workshops and supplemental instruction. We also offer Critical Thinking workshops for our freshman students.


All tutoring sessions are held in a friendly, welcoming atmosphere. Tutoring is offered on an hourly basis for most coursework. Appointments can be scheduled or made on a walk-in basis. We recommend making appointments in advance because tutor schedules can fill up very quickly.

Should we not have a tutor available for the course in which you need help, the SEEK Learning Resource Center works closely with other academic support offices on campus, such as ACE (Old Gym 205), The Math Lab (Gillet Hall 222) and the Science Learning Center (Gillet Hall 133) to get you the help you need.


The SEEK Learning Resource Center conducts a variey of workshops including Critical Thinking (CT) and Jumpstart workshops.  CT workshops focus on developing the reading and annotating skills of all SEEK freshman students enabling them to become better critical thinkers in college and beyond. Jumpstart workshops are open to all SEEK students enrolled in select target math and science courses. The objective of a particular Jumpstart workshop is to introduce participating students to course material before the course begins by reviewing the first three to four chapters of the required course textbook.

SI (Supplemental Instruction)

Supplemental Instruction is a 50 minute review session for students enrolled in historically difficult courses. SI sessions are led by former or current students who have been successful in these courses. SI is mandatory for all SEEK freshmen because it has been shown to improve student learning and performance. Students themselves report that SI not only helps them do better in their courses, but it is a great way for them to network with their peers and receive mentoring from high-achieving students.

Computers & Electronic Resources

The SEEK Learning Center Computer Lab, which is exclusively for SEEK students, is located in the Old Gym Building Room # 212. In addition to the computers in the lab, the SLRC also has laptop computers that can be loaned out to SEEK students who have a valid Lehman College ID.

Interested in Becoming a Tutor?

If you are interested in becoming an academic Tutor, Facilitator or Supplemental Instruction leader, please viist the SEEK Learning Resource Center in the Old Gym Building Room # 212 or call ( 718) 960-7705.

Requirements for Becoming a Tutor

Interested Lehman College students at must:

  • Have and maintian an overall cumulatuve GPA of 3.00 or higher
  • Have completed a minimum of one year of coursework at Lehman College
  • Have completed and earned a final grade of A or A- in the course they are interested in tutoring

Interested students can pick up an application at the Old Gym Building Room # 212.