Proposal Submission Package
Step 1
- Notify the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs of your intent to apply for an opportunity by completing the Notice of Intent to Submit e-form here. You will be contacted by a member of the ORSP team.
Step 2
- Review the ORSP proposal workflow and timeline here.
Step 3
- If you have not done so already, take the mandatory Responsible Conduct of Research, Conflict of Interest, and Human Subjects trainings here.
Step 4
Create a Cayuse entry and upload all proposal documents here, for support click here.
The following internal proposal documents must be completed and uploaded to the "Documents" section in your Cayuse application:
- Collaborative Insitutional Training Institute (CITI) Completion Certificate
- Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Certificate -required-
- Human Subject Research (HSR) Certificate-when applicable-
- Export Control Questionnaire - Form
- Lehman College Reassigned Time Approval Form (if applicable) - Form
- CUNY Significant Financial Interest Disclosure Non-PHS Funded Form - Form
- CUNY Significiant Financial Interest PHS Funded Form - Form
Step 5
Once all required internal and external proposal documents have been uploaded in Cayuse, the proposal will be routed electronically to the Chair, Dean, and Director of Research and Sponsored Programs in this order.
Note: No additional approvals beyond the electronic Cayuse approvals are needed for proposal submission.