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Archived News & Announcements

PSC-CUNY Round 44 is Open!

The Research Foundation has recently informed Grants Officers that the PSC-CUNY Round 44 deadline has been finalized. The deadline is set for Saturday, December 15th. The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs will hold dedicated help hours for faculty in the week or two leading up to the deadline. For the first time, Lehman College will make the faculty deadline the last business day before the formal deadline, December 14, 2012, in order to allow faculty members as much time as possible to polish their proposals. Please remember that PSC-CUNY proposals must be routed in both Cayuse and in the PSC-CUNY system, and both versions of the proposal must be received by the grants office before the December 15th deadline.

Collaborative Incentive Grant Program Call for Proposals

The Vice Chancellor for Research has just announced round 19 of the CUNY Collaborative Incentive Reserach Grant for 2012. Complete guidelines and application forms are available on her web site here. All Lehman proposals must be routed through Cayuse, and these proposals are subject to the five-day deadline policy (see below). The deadline for submission is February 15, 2012.

Published January 9, 2012.

Faculty Development Program Call for Proposals

The Provost has just announced the call for proposals for the Faculty Development Program for Fall 2012 and Spring 2013. Applications must be routed through Cayuse and are due in Cayuse at ORSP on Wednesday December 14, 2011 by noon. A copy of the call and the program guidelines for this year are available here.

For questions, please contact the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.

Published November 17, 2011.

Proposed Five-Day Deadline for Proposal Submission

Electronic proposal submission can be a complex endeavor. It is the responsibility of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs to ensure that all proposals conform to College, Research Foundation, CUNY, and sponsor guidelines and policies. Over the past year, there have been several instances of late and incomplete proposals that have prompted serious concerns from Department Chairs, School Deans, and inquiries from senior administrators in the College. In response to these concerns and inquiries and in order to ensure that proposals on behalf of Lehman College are submitted in a timely way and with proper departmental, School, and College review, the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs is proposing a five business day internal deadline for the receipt of the complete and final proposal approved by Department and Dean through Cayuse. Proposals that are not received by the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs in Cayuse five business days before the deadline may not be submitted to the sponsor. This proposed policy would apply to all external and Professional Staff Congress (PSC-CUNY) sponsors and funding. The current implementation plan would make this policy effective as of January 1, 2012. Please feel free to send comments, concerns, feedback, or questions about this proposed change to Stephanie Endy by the end of October.

Published October 2011.

PSC-CUNY Round 43 to be Announced Soon

The Research Foundation has recently informed Grants Officers that PSC-CUNY round 43 will be formally announced as soon as the deadlines are finalized. The current tentative deadline is set for Sunday, January 15. The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs will hold dedicated help hours for faculty in the week or two leading up to the deadline. For the first time, Lehman College will make the faculty deadline the last business day before the formal deadline, January 13, 2012, in order to allow faculty members as much time as possible to polish their proposals. Please remember that PSC-CUNY proposals must be routed in both Cayuse and in the PSC-CUNY system, and both versions of the proposal must be received by the grants office before the January 13 deadline.

September 2011

National Endowment for the Humanities Nominations

Are you a humanities faculty member interested in receiving a $6,000 stipend to work on your research for two months during the summer? If so, please contact Dean Alborn from the School of Arts and Humanities as soon as possible. On September 9th, Dean Alborn will nominate up to two faculty members to represent Lehman College and submit proposals to the National Endowment for the Humanities by September 29, 2011. More information on the Summer Stipend grant program is available from the National Endowment for the Humanities web site.

September 2011

Cayuse Is Now Mandatory

Cayuse is a web-based system for preparing Lehman College grant and sponsored program applications, collecting electronic internal approvals as needed, and submitting electronic applications via Please submit all grant and sponsored program proposals to ORSP using the Cayuse system, and include appropriate approvals from Department Chairpersons and Deans. Cayuse is online and uses Single Sign-On (SSO). SSO allows Lehman Faculty to access the system with their Lehman College e-mail user I.D. and password. Cayuse works best with the Firefox or Explorer browsers, and requires users to allow pop-ups from Cayuse. Don't forget to upload the disclosure statement form and reassigned time request form with your proposal!

September 2010