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Advising Information

Graduate students are advised by individual faculty members from the department offering their degree. Faculty graduate advisers assist graduate students in obtaining information about the graduate degree programs offered in their department at Lehman College, meeting the graduation requirements set forth by the Graduate Curriculum Committee, and planning a schedule of courses. You should reach out to a program adviser when you are interested in a specific program, before you enroll in your first semester, and before each registration period to discuss your program of study.

Office of Graduate Studies Advising

The Office of Graduate Studies works with currently enrolled graduate students regarding the policies and procedures that govern Lehman's graduate programs. The Graduate Office is available to answer questions regarding issues that pertain to graduate study. Questions about specific academic programs or program requirements should be directed to the appropriate Graduate Program Adviser.

Service Indicators (& Registration Stops)

The Office of Graduate Studies places the following service indicators:

  • Matriculation warning. Graduate student is nearing or has exceeded the 12-credit limit as a nonmatriculated student.
  • Probation warning and registration stop for GPA's below 3.0.
  • Insufficient progress towards graduate degree completion and/or incomplete coursework.

Students who have one or more service indicators on their registration must contact the Office of Graduate Studies in Shuster Hall, Room 279 to discuss their situation.

Teacher Certification Advisement

Lehman graduate students, enrolled in education programs, who need to apply for New York State certification are encouraged to reach out the Certification Officer to discuss state requirements at their earliest possible convenience.

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