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Membership and Renewal Information


New members are always welcome.

By joining, you help to support the activities of the BRS, these WWW pages, and our shared interests and values.1

Benefits of Membership

BRS members receive two journals, The Bertrand Russell Society Quarterly (successor to the BRS Newsletter) and Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies (published twice a year by McMaster University).

Every year we have an Annual Meeting that is inevitably a gala affair, with a weekend full of scholarly and popular presentations about Russell and related subjects, two business meetings, Red Hackle hour (in honor of Russell's favorite refreshment), a banquet, awards, and good fellowship.

Members have the right to borrow materials from the BRS Library and to vote in Society elections.

Members may be as active or inactive as they wish. All are encouraged to attend the annual meeting and otherwise take part in Society affairs, by serving on a committee, contributing to the Quarterly, making a presentation at the annual meeting, or undertaking some special task. Some members are very active. Some wish merely to be kept informed.

How Do I Join the BRS?

Membership dues are:
Individual, $35; Couple, $40
Student, $20; Limited Income, $20
Please add $4 for postage to Canada or Mexico
Add $10 for postage if outside North America

To join, either pay online (see below) or send your membership dues to:

Dennis Darland, BRS Treasurer
1406 26th Street
Rock Island, IL 61201-2837

NEW! Join or Renew by paying online!

You can also pay by credit card using Paypal on the web. Just go to and open a free account. Then pay your dues by entering, when prompted for the recipient's e-mail address: There is no charge to make a Paypal payment, which (foreign members take note) will be handled in U.S. Dollars. Be sure to state, when prompted for a message that Paypal will send as an e-mail message from you to our treasurer (Dennis), the purpose of the payment. Include any change of name or address, but do NOT include your credit card information. Dennis will send you an e-mail receipt, and update the membership records accordingly.

Membership is on an annual basis, with renewals due on January 1. All new memberships are considered as retroactive to January 1, so that, whenever you join, you will receive all the publications (four newsletters and two journals) for that year. The one exception is for new members joining in October-December; their first "year" begins then and lasts through December of the following year.

1 Most people would rather die than think. In fact, they do. – BR