The Bertrand Russell Society was founded in 1974 to foster a Bertrand Russell was the most important philosopher of the twentieth century and the most important logician since Aristotle. He was also a mathematician, educator, social critic and political activist. Russell wrote over 70 books and thousands of essays and letters addressing a myriad of topics. Awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1950, Russell was a fine literary stylist, and a gadfly for improving the lives of men and women. What the Bertrand Russell Society Does: The Bertrand Russell Society holds a large conference, its Annual Meeting, every year. At the Annual Meeting, we feature scholarly and popular presentations about Russell and related subjects, a business meeting, Red Hackle hour (in honor of Russell's favorite refreshment), a banquet and good fellowship. Held on a long weekend, from Friday night to Sunday afternoon, usually in June, most often in a university setting, our annual meetings have taken place in New York City, Washington, D.C., Hamilton, Ontario (home of the Bertrand Russell Archives at McMaster University), Chicago, Los Angeles, San Diego, Toronto, Buffalo, New York, St. Petersburg, Florida, Drew University in New Jersey, Monmouth University in New Jersey, Lake Forest College in Illinois, and Plymouth State University in New Hampshire. Publications. The BRS publishes The Bertrand Russell Society Quarterly in February, May, August and November. Interested persons are invited to submit papers to the editors, Rosalind Carey and John Ongley, at Members of the Society also receive the scholarly journal Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies as part of their membership. Awards and Prizes. The BRS awards annual Prizes for the best new papers about Russell by undergraduates, graduate students and non-academics. It also bestows an annual BRS Book Award for the best new book in Russell studies. And it bestows an annual BRS Award to an individual or an organization whose work best furthers the interests and commitments of Bertrand Russell. The awards are presented at the Annual Meeting. Other Activities. The BRS sponsors a paper-session on Russell at the annual Eastern Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association, and this year, at the Central and Pacific Division Meetings, as well. There will be a meeting of the west coast members of the BRS at this year's (2005) Pacific Meeting, March 23-27, 2005, at the St. Francis Hotel in San Francisco. There is a lively local chapter of the BRS in Rochester, New York. They are The Greater Rochester Russell Set. They meet monthly at Writers & Books' Verb Café, 740 University Avenue, Rochester. There is also a very lively Bertrand Russell discussion group on the internet; it is russell-l. Those interested in Russell and his writings cannot afford not to belong to this group. |