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NYC Compost Project Food Scrap Drop Off Site at Lehman College

Now is YOUR opportunity to learn how your household food waste can help grow our campus waste management efforts. Through our partnership with the NYC Compost Project, a community food scrap drop-off and composting site is now established on the Lehman College campus.

Sign up here to participate in our weekly Food Scrap Drop-Off every Monday from 8-10 a.m. staffed by the NYC Compost Project hosted by the New York Botanical Garden (location: Lehman College Quad, near east side of Shuster Hall). You can also sign up to volunteer to learn community engagement skills or hands-on, processing skills as you transform food scraps into compost. 

See our flyer for full details regarding items you can bring to the drop-off and how you can easily store your food scraps at home every week.

Your fruit- and vegetable peels, coffee grounds and egg shells are valuable resources and the NYC Compost Project is turning these materials into compost to beautify the Lehman College campus and surrounding community.

Community Food Scrap Drop-Off sites are an important facet of NYC’s effort to divert more compostable organic materials from landfill disposal. Food scraps account for approximately 17% of all materials disposed of in NYC. Together with neighborhood organics collection, these efforts turn a sizable chunk of waste into a valuable and useful product.

The weekly Food Scrap Drop-Off at Lehman College is a joint project of the NYC Compost Project and the Lehman College Campus Sustainability Council.
