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Characteristics of a Lehman Graduate

Colleges and universities across the country are faced with the need to explore new strategies that enable them to become ever more innovative. Lehman College is using IdeaScale to continue a dialogue that the President started as part of his Convocation remarks regarding the "need for change" and "what makes Lehman unique." You can find a video of the 2014 Convocation here.

At the request of the Provost, members of the Lehman College faculty and administration participated in a workshop and symposium sponsored by the American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) in July 2014 and January 2015. The group was charged with developing a draft set of characteristics of a Lehman graduate to use as starting points for a broader discussion with the entire Lehman community. They were also asked to establish how these characteristics can be used facilitate interdisciplinary and integrative student learning across the College. The proposed characteristics are based on national models and have as their foundation the legacy of Herbert H. Lehman and AAC&U's LEAP (Liberal Education and America's Promise; initiative for education in the 21st century. 

At a high level, the set of characteristics recommended for Lehman graduates can be summarized as Educated, Empowered and Engaged. This includes:

  • Being engaged citizens who contribute to their local, national and global communities.
  • Demonstrating outstanding communication skills in diverse media.
  • Utilizing critical thinking skills and demonstrate the ability to use quantitative reasoning.

As part of the group's mission, they identified ways to align pedagogy and curriculum with the proposed characteristics. This includes, active learning classes, collaborative learning classes, overlay classes (e.g. intensive writing and service learning integration), interdisciplinary minors, and undergraduate research. See More

The next step in this discussion is to engage all students, faculty, staff, alumni, and members of the extended Lehman community to join the conversation. We invite you to be part of the dialogue and help shape Lehman as a stronger, more resilient, and innovative institution.  

Before the Fall 2015 semester, the Provost will appoint an Integrative Learning Council (ILC), consultation with faculty and governance leaders, to advise and help develop strategies to strengthen integrative learning at Lehman.

Here's how to submit an idea:

  • Click the 'Submit New Idea' button in the navigation menu.
  • Add a title and text and submit the form.
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What are/will be the Characteristics of a Lehman Graduate?


Welcome to a conversation about YOU and the FUTURE you.

This conversation is about the characteristics we believe students possess upon graduation from Lehman College. These characteristics should be reflective of Lehman's mission and core values, and they should be expressed through the totality of a student's curricular and co-curricular experience. This conversation is also about who we are and who we aspire to be it is about how we will strengthen, design, and build the future Lehman.

We value your thoughts and encourage you to contribute to this important conversation.

- Provost Anny Morrobel-Sosa

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What it is to be a Lehman graduate

Being a Lehman graduate means being well educated, having integrity, and being ready to pursue your goals. Upon graduating at Lehman College, a student should have developed their critical thinking skills as well as having at least one specialized area of competence. They should be familiar with the liberal arts and be able to articulate themselves clearly. Additionally, one could prepare to fulfill a leadership role and be familiar with diversity - both are areas that the college can prepare you in. For some of those skills, students have to engage in activities outside of class to supplement what is learned from the instructors but one does have to pursue this actively.


- Martin Kowaleff

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Information Literacy and Technology

A Lehman College graduate would also benefit from: *Demonstrating outstanding skills in diverse technology and *Engaging in lifelong information literacy skills.

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Some thoughts I have about Lehman College

Ever since I got accepted to Lehman College, I have found the school to be profoundly amazing. The professors that I've had the privilege to teach me are amazing and brilliant. I am now in Chemistry 2 with professor Mills and she is very caring and helpful in teaching the class. One thing I don't like though is that the classes are now videos with the once a week "quiz" called the iClicker session. When I took Chemistry 1 with professor Jitiano, I was able to be in the presence of a genuine teacher that was able to answer your questions the second they popped into your head. You were able to clearly comprehend what he was teaching you since he was there with you along the way. Although the videos may be detailed, there is no one there to answer any questions you have. Yes there is the forum where you could post questions, but it is a different learning experience having someone teach you in person. This form of learning may be helpful to some, but many students that I have talked to agree that this version of learning isn't the most beneficial, especially in the more difficult classes.

There aren't many qualms I have with Lehman College besides the new video setup. The faculty, staff, and administration have almost all been very helpful in assisting me figure out my college path and that I am thankful for.

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What will being a Lehman graduate mean to me?

Being a Lehman graduate will open so many doors and opportunities because of the experience it offers. From internships to tutoring centers, the networking Lehman offers is exceptional. It feels great to be attending Lehman and becoming a graduate and an alumni from Lehman would be a great accomplishment.

- GabrielleRichards

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What does being a Lehman graduate mean to you?

Lehman graduate means a ticket for success and gives students the opportunity to raise their income level with a secure career. I think a college education is an incredibly valuable. It's valuable for the experiences students have, the skills and knowledge students actually learn, and the accomplishments students achieve while attending Lehman college.

– Pamela Del Rosario

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Who we are and who we aspire to be...

As a humanity, we always are in perpetual search of finding out who we really are. Sometimes we look in the wrong place, wrong time or wrong people, but we never stop looking. And when you go to college, one might realize that this is definitely the right place, time and people to find, or to help you find, what you are looking for. As Maslow accurately proposed, we never really reach the top of the pyramid, we never stop trying to reach that next level. And that is exactly what being a Lehman Graduate is to me. Set the goals and never stop trying to reach them. Train your brain to push the limits of your knowledge and your understanding. Learn, share, teach, and help .Find solutions and raise questions. Simply be a better you and better the world around yourself.

Go Lehman!

- Olga Martyniuk

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Lehman's Future

I think it might benefit the college, the individual student and the country itself if they didn't give people degrees just for showing up. It rather devalues the idea of the BA.

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What ideas do you have to make your experience better

As a post-bacholorette student I am currently taking additional coursework to re-route into a different area of study. I've had the opportunity to study at another institution and at Lehman. In all honesty the level of education I've received from a private University matches the level of education I am currently experiencing at Lehman college; the only difference is less funds are being allocated towards tuition. The professors are extremely knowledgeable in their subject areas. Instructors are also very welcoming and make their office hours available for students to come for additional help should they need it. In addition there is also a lot of support services on campus (such as the science learning center) for those students struggling in their courses. My only complaint thus so far about this institution is that there should be more unison in the course curriculum. Meaning students taking the same course that is being taught by different instructors should all have a syllabus that portrays parallel requirements. for instance one laboratory class being taught by two different instructors should not permit one section to be allowed to take lab practicals and write up lengthy lab reports while other sessions are only required to hand in an observation report and not submit any lab reports or take lab practicals :)

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What are the characteristics of a Lehman Graduate

The characteristics of a Lehman graduate are the motivation to succeed, discipline and proactivity. A lehman graduate must demonstrate strong leadership and be well rounded, engaging student. They also possess great interpersonal skills.

- Brigette Roman, Shashuana Knight, and Lynessa George

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Experiential Learning & Co-Curricular Engagement

Embedding research and scholarly activities in the curriculum in the form of a Capstone project as a requirement for graduation will root experiential learning pedagogy into the fabric of Lehman life. The benefits of research-based, experiential learning outcomes will harvest critical thinking skills, communication and presentation skills, social/cultural competency, and a predisposition toward problem-solving. Every Lehman graduate should leave this institution with a first-hand experience that tethers them to the realities of the workforce and local and global society.

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Lehman College Graduate

To be a Lehman Graduate is an amazing accomplishment. Not many are given the opportunity to receive their bachelor's degree, so this makes the chance even greater. College should be an experience of learning about yourself as well as the world. I feel that there should be more programs to enable students to have necessary life skills for the future.

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Characteristics of a Lehman graduate

Whether it's a college or university, commuting or dormitories, two year or four year, there shouldn't be any excuses. What students want is effort, they want to be heard, and they want whatever school they attend to care. Now most students of Lehman do not feel that way. The way most students make friends during their school year is through clubs and organizations. These clubs and organization are in charge of creating events, ideas, and build a social life that many anticipate.

What does that look like? During the winter indoor parties, Halloween parties, study sessions, along with the ability to travel to certain place for a cheaper price. For example, NBA basketball games, snowboarding, etc. During the spring it becomes easier because they can take advantage of the weather. Outdoor activities are always easy to do, massages are done for finals week, parties, carnivals, and much more. At Lehman none of this exist, and if it does we will either know the day of or the day after.

In my opinion, giving students the opportunity to have a campus life makes them want to actually come to school. This is important! We need more students to be proud of the school they attend, and encourage them to stay for more than just 2 semesters.

Lehman should take advantage of all the students that attend this school. If theirs a lot of students who have kids than lets get the kids involved. If theirs a lot of elderly students, than maybe we should have a tea party discussing news and politics. More dance shows, fashion shows, music shows, karaoke, international galas, and maybe even painting outside for fun. But that's the main issue Lehman College is not fun and none of this exist.

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"Lehman's Future"

Lehman college is a nice school that I believe offers a lot o help to students. Initially my plan was to transfer out of lehman my freshman year but I liked lehman so much that i decided to remain there. Most of the professors are good at what they do.

Although I have to say that the changes in a few departments are completely different and a little hard to get used to but I think that its because we're not used to them. I think that the professors are really helpful and the class will benefit from a lecture class twice a week like it used to be.

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What does being a Lehman graduate mean to me?

It means being a well educated student that can express their thoughts effectively in class and out. Lehman graduates demonstrate the ability to take on any work and still strive to do the best of their ability with any task given. Students are also capable of representing their background anytime asked to and assimilating to those around them.

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What does being a Lehman graduate mean to me?

Being a Lehman College graduate means that I will have the proper skills and tools necessary in order to have a successful future. As a transfer student, the faculty and staff were so welcoming and helpful with providing the information needed in order for me to be prosperous here at Lehman. I absolutely love everything about this school, and can't wait to see what else the future has in store.

-- Elyssa Pagan

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Characteristics of a Lehman Graduate

This is my first semester at Lehman College. I am a transfer student from Hostos Community College. I am a retired veteran returning to school after a long period away from school. My initial contact resulted in some confusion, concerning my enrollment dates. I brought my concerns to the Veteran counselor, Ms. Barbara Thompson. She immediately took action to address my concerns. She demonstrated to me, that she took my issues very serious, and insured me that it would get resolved. And she did, even working after normal work hours. She really impressed me with a her dedication that she has for all of her Vets. If not for her, I would have had to register for the Fall semester. This demonstrated to me, that I had made the right decision, in choosing to attend Lehman. Although I haven't been here long, I have been fortunate to have some good Professor's, who have been more than helpful, in making sure, that the students understand the lecture's, and if help is needed, they're more then willing to assist. you. My description of a Lehman Graduate would be, one who gave 100%, to achieve getting the best education possible, so that he or she is totally prepared, when they pursue their career. In today's job market, only the best qualified will get hired. I have witnessed, that Lehman, is making every effort, to offer the best resources, whether it be providing information on internships, or helping you construct a resume. Can there be improvements, or changes, I'm sure there are, but it has to be a total team effort, the faculty and students, have to work together, to ensure that we make Lehman a good school, that provides the best education possible.

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Healthy lifestyles

My particular opportunity area of providing healthier choices in the Lehman Cafeteria can definitely be a gateway of empowering, engaging and educating students. First, it can empower students by helping them realize what exactly it is to be healthy. The food being provided in the cafeteria is not always the healthiest. Seeing the food choices could possibly empower students to strive for more nutritional food and actually organize a plan to change. The change might not only involve food, but physical activity as well. This can then lead to educated students, where they learn more about their food, and where it comes from; it's nutritional value, and how healthy they can be. Students can educate themselves in certain physical activities that can improve health as well. Engaged students would have them actually striving for the more nutritional food and engaging in physical activities. In regards to food, they could even contact local farmers or sellers for their produce and their supplies, creating a better relationship between local farmers, the school, and engaged students striving for the cause. Lehman can order from local sellers to stimulate the community's economy and even build a reputation with other sellers and provide a bigger variety of foods.

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Characteristics of A Lehman Graduate

Studying at Lehman College has been a truly wonderful experience, filled with intelligent students and inspiring teachers. Lehman College has provided me with all the necessary tools to succeed in the world, and I am incredibly grateful for the wonderful experience.

- Marganit Weinberg

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What does being a Lehman graduate mean to me?

Being a Lehman graduate mean being able to take the knowledge and tools professors provided to help us reach our future goals. Lehman provides the networking and tools to advance in life and being a graduate is the first step in a long journey throughout our life. Where learning isn't in our classroom but its in our everyday scenarios and work. Lehman not only gives us hard skills like knowledge of Chemistry but soft skills like communication skills, team work skills, etc. As a Lehman college graduate, one is equipped with skills that can transfer to any career from business to science and research.

By: Ashley Crespo & Victoria Antonetti

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Characteristics of a Lehman College Graduate

I believe that being a Lehman College graduate means to have a good foundation in which one can build upon to better themselves and their community. In other words Lehman College Graduate should have the necessary skills and tools to be a successful and effective leader in whichever field of study or work they get involved in. I hope this can be accomplished by giving them the opportunities and experience for leadership roles as a Graduate Student.

Thank you,

- Joy Barua

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