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Who We Are

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the College Now Program has changed its eligibility criteria and is offering in-person, hybrid, and online courses. Please check the How to Apply page for the latest information on the upcoming semester.

College Now LogoCollege Now is a collaborative program between the City University of New York (CUNY) and the New York City Department of Education (DOE). It is a FREE dual enrollment and transition program for qualified NYC public high school students. To learn more about the CUNY-wide program please visit the College Now website.

The Lehman College Now Program services over 60 high schools in the Bronx and over 1600 students per academic year. Through College Now, qualified students get an early introduction to the college environment and a jump start on college coursework by taking credit-bearing college-level courses at the Lehman College campus. This experience helps students build the academic skills that are necessary to be successful in college.

College Now students are highly motivated students who possess strong organizational skills and the drive to excel in and manage their academic and extra-curricular responsibilities.

You may contact the Lehman College Now Program at 718-960-8932 or for the most recent information on high school partnerships or if interested in becoming a partner high school.

Lehman College Virtual Tour

  • Take a virtual tour and learn more about the Lehman College campus.