Step-by-Step Decision Guide
Students who are currently enrolled at Lehman and who are fulfilling the Lehman pre-2013 Gen Ed Program requirements may elect to change to the new CUNY 2013 Gen Ed Program requirements.
Follow these steps to help you decide whether you should opt-in to the New CUNY 2013 Gen Ed Program, because it could potentially reduce your time, credits, and money needed for graduation.
Compare the courses and credits you still have to complete under the current Lehman pre-2013 Gen Ed with the courses and credits that you would have to complete under the new CUNY 2013 Gen Ed.
- Use this chart to understand how the Lehman pre-2013 and CUNY 2013 Gen Ed Programs differ: click here to see a Comparison Chart.
- Print and fill in the Old General Education Requirements checklist. General Education Requirements Checklist 2002 Curriculum - click here.
- Print and fill in the New General Education Requirements checklist. Check list for the CUNY 2013 General Education Program - click here.
- Use these forms and the chart to calculate whether you have fewer courses and credits to complete under the new CUNY 2013 Gen Ed curriculum.
- Check your calculations by using the Degree Works audit (click) to confirm how many of the old pre-2013 Lehman Gen Ed requirements you've already completed and how many more you would still need to complete. Do the same with the new CUNY Gen Ed requirements.
- Consider what kinds of requirements you still need to complete in each of the Gen Ed Programs, and ask yourself which ones are most appealing to you (e.g. the old Gen Ed model requires two lab sciences while the New Gen Ed model requires one lab science and another non-lab science; the old Gen Ed model requires 7 Distribution courses not including science, while the new Gen Ed model requires 6 Distribution courses including science). Bear in mind that it is difficult to predict which Gen Ed will be best for you unless you check every required course: just because the new CUNY 2013 Gen Ed may require fewer courses and credits, this does not mean that it will necessarily be to your advantage to change. Much depends on the courses you have already taken and which requirements they fulfill under each Gen Ed model.
- If you think it will be to your advantage to choose the new CUNY 2013 Gen Ed, make an appointment to see an advisor.
- If you decide to "opt-in" to the new Gen Ed model, your academic advisor will make the Opt-In Checklist available to you within your CUNYfirst account. You can make the decision to "opt in" only once: your decision to choose the new CUNY 2013 Gen Ed requirements is final and cannot be changed. (Can this option be available to all pre Fall 2013 students without advisor's input? See JJ)
Within your CUNYfirst account, you will be asked to accept the following opt-in declaration:
Students who opt-in to Pathways are subject to the following terms:
- Changing to Pathways will change the existing degree requirements need to obtain an Undergraduate degree.
- Changing to Pathways will require students to take Pathways approved courses.
- Changing to Pathways may require students to take additional credits, which may extend the anticipated graduation date.
- Changing to Pathways may cause previously completed general education coursework to NOT count towards general education Pathways requirements.
- Once a Pathways requirement is completed, this requirement is also considered fulfilled upon transfer to any other CUNY college.
- Due to the change of general education requirement under Pathways, a student's eligibility to receive Federal and State Financial Aid may be affected.
- Students who decline to Opt-In to Pathways will still be required to fulfill Pathways requirements at all other CUNY colleges upon transfer.
- Pathways ensure courses successfully completed for credit transfer to any other CUNY college; however, students must still meet transfer admission requirements to be accepted to specific CUNY programs and colleges.
After reading the above stated terms and with consultation of an academic advisor, I hereby accept and agree to OPT-IN to Pathways. I understand that once I opt-in, I cannot reverse this decision and must complete the new Pathways requirements and major curricula requirements to earn a CUNY degree.
▢ Yes, I choose to Opt-In to Pathways
By selecting Yes, I understand that my Catalog Requirement Term will change
▢ No, I choose to follow my current Catalog Requirements