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Upcoming Agenda

Wednesday, November 2, 2022, at 3:45 PM

                Lovinger Theatre, SP-1st Floor

1. Approval of the minutes for the Senate Meeting of October 12, 2022-Final.

2. Announcements and Communications:

a. President Fernando Delgado

b. Student Legislative Assembly: Ms. Blessing Babalola

 3. Reports of Standing Committees:

  1. Graduate Studies: Prof. Lalitha Samuel
  2. Governance: Prof. Joseph Fera
  3. Admissions, Evaluation and Academic Standards: Prof. Sandra Campeanu
  4. Undergraduate Curriculum: Prof. Lynn Rosenberg
  5. Academic Freedom: Prof. David Manier
  6. Library, Technology, and Telecommunications: Mr. Stephen Castellano
  7. Campus Life and Facilities: Prof. John Ongley
  8. Budget and Long-Range Planning: Prof. Brian Murphy
  9. Assessment: Prof. Devrim Yavuz
  10. Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility, and Anti-Racism: Prof. Mary Phillips and Prof. Evelyn Duran
  11. University Faculty Senate: TBD

4. Unfinished Business

           a. MHSE Certificates in Secondary French and Italian Education

5. New Business

           a. None


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