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Upcoming Agenda

Wednesday, May 5, 2021, at 3:30 PM

                Virtual via Zoom

1. Approval of the minutes for the Senate Meeting of April 7, 2021.

2. Announcements and Communications:

           a. President Daniel Lemons

           b. Student Legislative Assembly: Ms. Sumana Ali

 3. Reports of Standing Committees:

           1. Graduate Studies: Prof. Janet DeSimone

           2. Governance: Prof. Joseph Fera

           3. Admissions, Evaluation and Academic Standards: Prof. Sandra Campeanu

           4. Undergraduate Curriculum: Prof. Lynn Rosenberg

           5. Academic Freedom: Prof. David Manier

           6. Library, Technology, and Telecommunications: Mr. Stephen Castellano

           7. Campus Life and Facilities: Prof. Jennifer Collett

           8. Budget and Long Range Planning: Prof. Haiping Cheng

           9. University Faculty Senate: Prof. Judith Duncker

 4. Report of Ad Hoc Committee:

           a. Academic Assessment Council: Associate Provost for Academic Programs and Educational Effectiveness, Dr. Victor M. Brown

           b. Best Practices for Determining Class Size, Professor MX Wendell Cooper

5. Old Business

           a. None

6. New Business

           a. Ombudsman Report, Professor Alan Kluger


Zoom information:

When: May 5, 2021 03:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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