Susan Hoeltzel served as project director. Biographical entries have been written by Elisabeth Lorin. The Neighborhood histories were written by David Bady. Archival photographs have been provided by the Lehman Library/CUNY Special Collections department with the assistance of Janet Munch. Ideas for Teachers were developed by Sember Weinman and Ali Irizarry. The development work that made this project possible has been provided by Mary Ann Siano. Patricia Cazorla and Ali Irizarry served as the web developers for the site, with photo editing by Jungeum Kim. Edith DeChiara served as the project evaluator. Additional technical support was provided by David Schwittek, David Gillison, and Bob Schneider.
This site has been developed with generous support from:
National Endowment for the Arts
National Endowment for the Humanities
Institute of Museum and Library Services/National Leadership
Initiative "Museums On-line" program
New York Council for the Humanities
NYC Department of Cultural Affairs
New York State Council on the Arts Technology Initiative
Bronx Council on the Arts
J.P. Morgan
Robert Lehman Foundation, Inc.
Max and Victoria Dreyfus Foundation, Inc.
Henry Luce Foundation, Inc.
New York Community Trust