1000 Hutchinson River Parkway

Martin Wong
Traffic Signs for the
Hearing Impaired
, 1990
DOT aluminum steel signs
Public Art Fund, Inc.

Martin Wong's Traffic Signs for the Hearing Impaired spell out "one way," "stop," and "school for the deaf" in the manual alphabet for the hearing impaired. The signs are in the shape and color of actual road signs. Developed to make the public more aware of the deaf community, the signs were part of an artist residency at New York City's Department of Transportation sign shop, a collaborative project with the Public Art Fund. Martin Wong's Traffic Signs for the Hearing Impaired are located near schools in all five boroughs, including the Lexington School for the Deaf in Queens, the New York School for the Deaf in Manhattan, in addition to St. Joseph's School for the Deaf in the Bronx. In 1992 Wong received Mayor Dinkins' "Very Special Arts Award," which is given for producing a significant art project designed to include all New Yorkers.

[More about Martin Wong]
[Visit the Public Art Fund website]