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American Abstract Expressionist painter, Richard Pousette-Dart was born in St. Paul, Minnesota in 1916 and raised by his father, a painter and writer, and his mother, a poet and musician.  Although he had almost no formal training, he began working in his early 20s in New York in 1937 where he served as assistant to the sculptor Paul Manship. In the 1940s Pousette-Dart was a member of the avant-garde New York School and one of the youngest artists of the emerging group of Abstract Expressionists. He showed at Peggy Guggenheim’s Art of this Century gallery and the Betty Parsons Gallery. He appeared in postwar American art’s most famous photograph “TheIrascibles,” a group portrait of 15 Abstract Expressionists. This famous photograph appeared in the January 1951 edition of Life Magazine introducing the American public to the country’s first international art movement. Pousette-Dart moved to Rockland County, NY in 1951 where he lived with his wife, the poet Evelyn Gracey until his death in 1992.

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