Formerly Percy Pyne House, then Elie Nadelman House
4715 Independence Ave. S. of W. 248th St. West side
Ca. 1880
This 2-1/2-story Gothic Revival brick house was originally the home of banker Percy R. Pyne (1857-1929) and was part of an early villa development called The Park-Riverdale. With the extension of the Hudson River railroad line beyond Manhattan, businessmen such as Pyne could enjoy an easy commute from their country estates to their city offices. Construction of the house has been variously given as 1863 and ca. 1880. Since architect Thomas S. Wall constructed two of the four villas in The Park-Riverdale development by 1860, it is probable that Alderbrook was built closer to 1860. Wall may even have been Pyne’s architect.
Alderbrook is notable for its crochets and steeply pitched, intersecting gables with overhanging eaves. The influence of architect Andrew Jackson Davis, considered a master of the Gothic Revival style, is seen in this house.
By the 1920s this house and its estate were the home and studio of Elie Nadelman (1882-1946). A leading sculptor of the early 20th century, Nadelman and his wife were also avid collectors of folk art. They even built a 4-story structure on their property to display these holdings in their Museum of Folk & Peasant Arts. The Nadelman’s lost their property in the late 1930s.
Opposite the landmark Greystone (or Stonehurst), Alderbrook is today a private residence on a much smaller piece of property. Alderbrook Residential Enclave now includes 20th century houses within its confines. The Alderbrook villa remains the focal point and residents also share a swimming pool. Creation of this enclave has helped preserve the suburban feel of the area.
Alderbrook is today on the National Register of Historic Places as well as being a designated New York City landmark.
Janet Butler Munch
Tom Stoelker