Title V SI Program Information
Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a learning support program that focuses on improving student confidence and performance in historically difficult classes. Learning support programs traditionally include 1-1 tutoring, workshops, and group study sessions, as well as peer mentoring activities. SI adds an extra dimension to these programs by providing trained peer facilitators who work with both faculty and students in group contexts inside and outside of the classroom.
The Dynamics of Supplemental Instruction
- The SI Star illustrates the dynamics connecting the key participants in the Supplemental Instruction Program. Dynamics are defined as “change-producing forces” by the Encarta Dictionary, and we believe the SI dynamics of communication, goals, process, resources, and time are active in and between each of the participant roles in the Lehman College SI Program.
- SI Students communicate with their instructors and SI Leaders to attain their goals of academic and professional success, learn the processes that will help them to succeed, and practice effective use of resources and time in order to establish effective skills to complete short-term and long-term projects.
- SI Instructors set goals for their students, communicate those goals through the modeling and practice of effective processes for both their students and SI Leaders, and mentor students and SI Leaders in the effective uses of resources and time relevant to the mastery of historically difficult course content and skills.
- SI Leaders use facilitation skills and SI strategies as peer education processes to assist students in learning to manage their time and resources to succeed in their current courses and future work. SI Leaders model effective communication and goal-setting with their SI instructors: this modeling encourages SI Leaders to improve their own academic and professional skills and to achieve greater success in their chosen fields.
For more information on our program’s methodology, please review our SI Leader Field Guide ISBN 978-0-470-78287-3.