Download Sponsorship Form   


Presenting Sponsor


  • Four (4) reserved tables of 5
  • $10,000 donation to student support services (i.e., food bank, microgrants, scholarships)
  • Premier sponsor listing on the Spring Fling webpage with a live link to company website
  • Premier listing on promotional materials
  • Premier full-page ad placement in digital journal
  • Inclusion in pre- and post-event press releases

Supporting Sponsor


  • Four (4) reserved tables of 5
  • Premier sponsor listing on the Spring Fling webpage with a live link to company website
  • Premier listing on promotional materials
  • Premier full-page ad placement in digital journal
  • Inclusion in pre- and post-event press releases

Event Sponsor


  • Two (2) reserved tables of 5
  • Sponsor listing on the Spring Fling webpage with a live link to company website
  • Full-page ad placement in digital journal
  • Inclusion in pre- and post-event press release

Community Sponsor


  • Two (2) reserved tables of 5
  • Sponsor listing on the Spring Fling webpage
  • Half-page ad placement in digital journal

Table Sponsor


  • One (1) reserved table of 5
  • Sponsor listing on the Spring Fling webpage

Student Sponsor


  • Ten tickets for students included

Individual Tickets

  • Friends of Lehman College: $250/person
  • Alumni: $250/person (two tickets/person max)
  • Faculty/Staff: $150/person (two tickets/person max)

Digital Ad: Full-Page


Ad Specifications

  • 150 dpi (or higher resolution). Jpeg file required.
  • Full page: 1920 x 890 pixels (landscape only)
  • Email advertisement to
  • The deadline to submit before Fri., May 31, 2024

Digital Ad: Half-Page


Ad Specifications

  • 150 dpi (or higher resolution). Jpeg file required.
  • Half page: 960 x 890 pixels (landscape only)
  • Email advertisement to
  • The deadline to submit before Fri., May 31, 2024

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