THE CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK FERPA RELEASE FORM PERMISSION FOR ACCESS TO EDUCATIONAL RECORDS This form allows students to grant third parties, including parents, access to their educational records maintained by the student’s college. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (Buckley Amendment) prohibits access to, or release of, educational records or personally identifiable information contained in such records (other than directory information) without the written consent of the student, with certain regulatory exceptions. A description of a student’s rights under FERPA is set forth in more detail in the college catalog. Student Name (Please Print): _____________________________________________________ Social Security Number or University Identification Number ___________________________ I, the undersigned, hereby authorize ________________ College of The City University of New York, to release the following educational records and information (identify records or types of records below): ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ These records should be released to the following person/agency (identify name and address of person/agency to receive information): ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ These records are being released for the purpose stated below: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Student’s signature ________________________________________ Date ______________ Please note that “directory information” can be given out without the student’s written consent. The City University of New York defines directory information to include such information as a student’s name, attendance dates, home and e-mail address, telephone number, date and place of birth, photograph, status (e.g., full/part-time, undergraduate/graduate), degree program, credits completed, major, student activities and sports, previous school attended, and degrees, honors and awards received. This information may be released to anyone, unless restricted by written authorization of the student. Contact the Registrar’s Office at your campus if you wish to restrict this information. OGC 1/06 Return this completed form to: Office of the Register, Records & Transcripts Shuster Hall, Room 102