Music Therapy, Blockchain, and SynBio: A Spotlight on 2019 Faculty Publications

The Lehman College faculty are committed to their work as educators, mentors, and practitioners in their respective fields. Their efforts go hand-in-hand with their prolific—and often pioneering—research, scholarship, and creative endeavors. In 2019, Lehman College faculty published or produced work in more than 75 publications across 22 disciplines.
Africana Studies
Adjunct Lecturer Mariama Khan published a book, “The Gambia-Senegal Border: Issues in Regional Integration” (Routledge).
Associate Professor of Africana Studies Mary F. Phillips co-authored “Women in the Black Panther Party,” published in the Winter 2019 issue of International Socialist Review.
Assistant Professor Anne Rice published an article, “Literature of Segregation,” in The World of Jim Crow America: A Daily Life Encyclopedia.
Distinguished Lecturer Rima Brusi-Gil de Lamadrid contributed a chapter entitled, “Dismantling Public Education in Puerto Rico,” to the edited volume “Aftershocks of Disaster: Puerto Rico Before and After the Storm” (Haymarket) and a book of stories and essays, “Fantasmas” (Editora Educación Emergente), that explores the complex relationship between a mother and daughter. She also published a collection of essays, “Entre la bicha y la pared” (Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña).
Professor Eric Delson published “An early modern human outside Africa,” in the July 10 issue of Nature. He was also a co-author of “The radiation of macaques out of Africa: Evidence from mitogenome divergence times and the fossil record,” published in the August issue of Journal of Human Evolution.
Assistant Professor Victoria Dominguez (Anthropology) co-authored the article, ”Microdamage as a Bone Quality Component: Practical Guidelines for the Two-Dimensional Analysis of Linear Microcracks in Human Cortical Bone,” in the May issue of JBMR Plus, The Journal of Bone and Mineral Research.
Professor William Harcourt-Smith co-authored the article, “The influence of mobility strategy on the modern human talus,” in American Journal of Physical Anthropology’s December issue.
Professor Eleanore Wurtzel was lead author on the Nature Plants article, “Revolutionizing agriculture with synthetic biology,” published in November, that introduces biological innovations that could transform agriculture, pharmaceuticals, and other industries.
Assistant Professor Melissa Deri was a co-author of the paper, “Improved synthesis of the bifunctional chelator p-SCN-Bn-HOPO,” published in the June issue of Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry.
Professor and Chair Andrei Jitianu was a co-author of four articles: “Gold nanoparticles in melting gels,” published in the July issue of Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology; “Consolidated Melting-Gel Coatings on AZ31 Magnesium Alloy with Excellent Corrosion Resistance in NaCl solutions–An Interface study,” in the November issue of ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces; “Deriving Efficient Porous Heteroatom‐Doped Carbon Electrocatalysts for Hydrazine Oxidation from Transition Metal Ions‐Coordinated Casein,” in the January issue of Advanced Functional Materials; and “Applications of melting gels,” in the January issue of Journal of Sol-Gel Science & Technology.
Associate Professor Tom Kurtzman was a co-author of two articles published on PLOS ONE, "Hidden Bias in the DUD-E Dataset Leads to Misleading Performance of Deep Learning in Structure-Based Virtual Screening,” appearing in August, and "A Molecular Reconstruction approach to site-based 3D-RISM and comparison to GIST hydration thermodynamic maps in an enzyme active site,” appearing in July.
Prabodhika Mallikaratchy was a co-author of “Integrating Ligand-receptor Interactions and In Vitro Evolution for Streamlined Discovery of Artificial Nucleic Acid Ligands,” in Molecular Therapy Nucleic Acids, published June, and “The key role of G-quadruplex structures in anti-IgM aptamers-target specific recognition,” in the International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, published in April.
Counseling, Leadership, Literacy and Special Education
Associate Professor Jennifer Van Allen co-authored two articles: “Developing Open Practices in Teacher Education: An Example of Integrating OER and Developing Renewable Assignments,” published in the December issue of Open Praxis; and “Using guided reading to teach internet inquiry skills: a case study of one elementary school teacher’s experience,” published in the June issue of Reading Psychology.
Early Childhood and Childhood Education
Assistant Professor Jennifer Collett and Professor Nancy Dubetz co-authored “Studying Program Effectiveness in Preparing Teachers for English Learners, Action in Teacher Education,” in Action in Teacher Education, published in September.
Professor Nancy Dubetz also co-authored the article, “Critically Examining Practice-Based Teacher Education for Teachers of Language Minoritized Youth,” appearing in the August issue of TESOL Quarterly.
Professor Anne Rothstein published her book, “Creating Winning Grant Proposals: A Step-by-Step Guide” (Guilford Press).
Earth, Environmental, and Geographical Sciences
Professor Juliana Maantay was a co-author of “Improving Population Mapping and Exposure Assessment: Three-Dimensional Dasymetric Disaggregation in New York City and São Paulo, Brazil,” published in the July issue of Papers in Applied Geography. Professor Maantay also co-authored the article, “Why green ‘climate gentrification’ threatens poor and vulnerable populations,” published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; and contributed a chapter to the Routledge Companion to Environmental Planning entitled, “Environmental Justice and Fairness.”
Professor Heather Sloan co-authored the article “Distinctive Seafloor Fabric Produced Near Western Versus Eastern Ridge‐Transform Intersections of the Northern Mid‐Atlantic Ridge: Possible Influence of Ridge Migration,” published in the April issue of Geochemistry, Geophysics, and Geosystems, and a textbook chapter, “Abyssal Hills and Abyssal Plains,” in Submarine Geomorphology (Springer).
Economics and Business
Assistant Professor Nari Kim co-authored the article, “The effects of political orientation on corporate social (ir)responsibility,” published in the November issue of Management Decision.
Assistant Professor Sean Stein Smith published “Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services: Implications and Applications for Finance and Accounting Professionals” (Springer), that explores the implications and applications of blockchain technology in the finance and accounting fields. He also authored the white paper, “Blockchain for Financial Services—Implications, Challenges, and Opportunities,” published by the Center for Strategic and International Studies; coauthored “Blockchain Basics and Hands-on Guidance: Taking the Next Step Toward Implementation and Adoption,” in the June issue of The CPA Journal; and authored in December, “What’s Gone Wrong with the Aramco IPO?” for the American Institute for Economic Research.
James A. Anderson, associate professor, published two feature articles addressing obstacles to urban recycling in Next City Magazine: “Can Cities Ever Reach Absolute Zero (Waste)?” and “Rethink, Retool, Then Recycle? Last year, China cracked down on recycling imports, forcing cities to get cleaner and more creative with their trash. A look at what’s working and what’s not in the U.S. recycling market.”
Frederic Colier, an adjunct lecturer in English composition, translated “Relative Man: The Music of Ionel Petroi: In Conversation with Ivanka Stoïanova,” (Books We Live By).
Adjunct Professor De’Shawn Charles Winslow published his first novel, “In West Mills” (Bloomsbury Publishing), in June.
Assistant Professor Vani Kannan published a book chapter, “Taking a Lead from Student Movements in a ‘Political Turn,’” in Writing Democracy: The Political Turn in and Beyond the Trump Era (Routledge); and co-authored “Early Career Scholars’ Encounters, Transitions, and Futures: A Conversation on Community Engagement” in the Winter 2019 issue of Reflections: A Journal of Community-Engaged Writing and Rhetoric.
Assistant Professor J. Bret Maney co-edited and translated Manhattan Tropics/Trópico en Manhattan (Arte Público Press), a bilingual scholarly edition of Guillermo Cotto-Thorner’s 1951 novel.
Tyler Schmidt, associate professor, contributed “Lessons in Light: Beauford Delaney’s and James Baldwin’s ‘Unnameable Objects’” to Of Latitudes Unknown: James Baldwin’s Radical Imagination (Bloomsbury).
Exercise Science
Associate Professor of Human Performance and Fitness Brad Schoenfeld was a co-author of eight articles published this summer:
“How many times per week should a muscle be trained to maximize muscle hypertrophy? A systematic review and meta-analysis of studies examining the effects of resistance training frequency,” Journal of Sports Science, June; “Differential muscle hypertrophy and edema responses between high-load and low-load exercise with blood flow restriction,” Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, July; and “Improvements in Phase Angle Are Related With Muscle Quality Index After Resistance Training in Older Women,” Sports, July. He also published three articles in the July 2019 issue of Journal of Strength Conditioning Research: “Biomechanical, Anthropometric, and Psychological Determinants of Barbell Back Squat Strength,” “Changes in Body Composition and Neuromuscular Performance Through Preparation, 2 Competitions, and a Recovery Period in an Experienced Female Physique Athlete,” and “Resistance Training Frequencies of 3 and 6 Times Per Week Produce Similar Muscular Adaptations in Resistance-Trained Men.” In late December, an article co-authored by Schoenfeld, “The effects of exercise variation in muscle thickness, maximal strength and motivation in resistance trained men,” was published in the journal, PLOS One.
Associate Professor Robyn Spencer co-authored, with Associate Professor of Africana Studies Mary F. Phillips, “Women in the Black Panther Party,” published in the Winter 2019 issue of International Socialist Review.
Languages and Literatures
James A. Anderson, associate professor, published two feature articles addressing obstacles to urban recycling in Next City Magazine: “Can Cities Ever Reach Absolute Zero (Waste)?” and “Rethink, Retool, Then Recycle? Last year, China cracked down on recycling imports, forcing cities to get cleaner and more creative with their trash. A look at what’s working and what’s not in the U.S. recycling market
Evelyn Durán-Urrea, a lecturer in the Department of Languages and Literatures, co-authored “Creating and Implementing OERs for the Spanish as a Heritage Language Classroom” in New Case Studies of Openness in the Language Classroom (Research-Publishing).
Tomás Ó Íhde, professor of Irish studies, published Seáinín Tom Sheáin: From Árainn to the Silver Screen (Four Courts Press).
Assistant Professor of Spanish J. J. Payán published “Pesadillas De Un Don Juan: La Emasculación Radical De Un Seductor En ‘El Diablo En Sevilla’ De Luis García De Luna” in the July issue of Siglo Diecinueve.
Latin American and Latino Studies
Sarah Ohmer, assistant professor, published “In the Beginning was Body Language: Clowning and Krump as Spiritual Healing and Resistance” in Evoke: A Historical, Theoretical, and Cultural Analysis of Africana Dance and Theatre.
Assistant Professor and OER Resources Librarian-STEM Liaison Stacy Katz co-authored with Jennifer Van Allen the article “Developing Open Practices in Teacher Education: An Example of Integrating OER and Developing Renewable Assignments,” published in the December issue of Open Praxis.
Middle and High School Education
Associate Professor Sherry Deckman co-authored an article in the journal Teaching and Teacher Education entitled, “’We cannot imagine’: U.S. Preservice teachers’ othering of trans and gender creative student experiences,” published in November.
Associate Professor Amanda Gulla published a review of the book, “Connected Teaching: Relationship, Power, and Mattering in Higher Education” by Harriet L. Schwartz in the December issue of Teachers College Record.
Music, Multimedia, Theatre & Dance
Associate Professor Michael Bacon and his band, The Bacon Brothers, released the single, “Play!” in June.
Jonah Brucker-Cohen, assistant professor of media studies, contributed “Report from the Second Annual Open Fields Conference and Virtualities and Realities” to “Virtualities and Realities: New Experiences, Art and Ecologies in Immersive Environments.”
Associate Professor of Theater Richard DesRochers contributed “Keaton, Class, and Social Control: Comic Vaudeville in the Progressive Era” to Performing the Progressive Era (University of Iowa Press).
Professor of Music Diana Mittler-Battapaglia is the pianist on two live recordings released this summer on Centaur Records, “Tribute” (Sonata and shorter works by Grieg, Tchaikovsky, Ysaye, Wieniawski and others), and “Romantic Violin Treasures” (Sonata and shorter works by Brahms, Korngold, Kreisler, Sarasate and others).
Adjunct Professor of Music Therapy Concetta Tomaino co-authored two articles: “Walking to your right music: a randomized controlled trial on the novel use of treadmill plus music in Parkinson’s disease,” published in the June issue of Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation; and “Lincoln Center moments: integrating accessibility and enhancement through expanding performing arts experiences,” in Arts & Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice.
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Music Emily Williamson published “Jaranas in New York City: Lute Making and Creating Musical Communities,” in April on the American Musical Instrument Society website.
Professor Catherine Alicia Georges co-authored the article, “AARP: Partnering to Serve People as They Age,” in the October issue of Nurse Leader.
Assistant Professor Mary Joseph published the article, “The Lived Experiences of Folklore Healing Practices as a Health Patterning Modality,” in Journal of Holistic Nursing, published online in October.
Adjunct Assistant Professor Carlo Alvaro published two book reviews in the Association for the Study of Ethical Behavior Evolutionary Biology in Literature Journal, ASEBL: “Can Animals Be Persons? Review of Marc Rowlands’ Can Animals Be Persons?,” June, and “Abolition of Meat. Review of Jan Decker’s Animal (De)liberation: Should the Consumption of Animal Products Be Banned?” in August. He also published two articles in the Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics: “Veganism and Children: Physical and Social Well-Being," in April, and “Is Animal Suffering Really All That Matters? The Move from Suffering to Vegetarianism,” in July.
School of Art & Humanities Dean James Mahon published the article, “Novels Never Lie,” in the British Journal of Aesthetics, Special Issue: Authenticity and Deception, in July.
Professor Julie Maybee published “Making and Unmaking Disability: The Three-Body Approach” (Rowman and Littlefield). She also contributed the chapter, “African Philosophy, Disability, and the Social Conception of the Self,” to Debating African Philosophy: Perspectives on Identity, Decolonial Ethics and Comparative Philosophy (Routledge).
Ken Shouler, adjunct associate professor, published two articles in Cigar Aficionado: May’s “Pelota in the Sun,” which focused on the history and popularity of baseball in the Dominican Republic; and “Babe Ruth Sets Yet Another Record With $5.6 Million Jersey Sale,” in August.
Physics and Astronomy
Professor Luis Anchordoqui co-authored three articles in the Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics: “Ultra-violet imaging of the night-time earth by EUSO-Balloon towards space-based ultra-high energy cosmic ray observations” (September), “Probing the origin of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays with neutrinos in the EeV energy range using the Pierre Auger Observatory” (October) and “Limits on point-like sources of ultra-high-energy neutrinos with the Pierre Auger Observatory” (December); and two articles in Physical Review D: “Probing strong dynamics with cosmic neutrinos” (November) and “Hot Thermal Universe Endowed with Massive Dark Vector Fields and the Hubble Tension” (December).
Distinguished Professor Eugene Chudnovsky and Professor Dmitry Garanin co-authored “Biskyrmion lattices in centrosymmetric magnetic films,” published in the October issue of Physical Review Research.
Professor Daniel Kabat co-authored “Quasinormal modes, echoes and the causal structure of the Green's function,” published in the December issue of the Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics.
Professor Dimitra Karabali published two articles in the Sept. issue of Physical Review D: “Magnetic field and curvature effects on pair production. I. Scalars and spinors,” and “Magnetic field and curvature effects on pair production. II. Vectors and implications for chromodynamics.”
Assistant Professors Mia Budescu and Anna Luerssen co-authored “Emerging Adults’ Relationship with Caregivers and their Romantic Attachment: Quality Communication Helps,” published in the August issue of Journal of Child and Family Studies.
Mia Budescu was also co-author, with Assistant Professor of Social Work Amanda Sisselman-Borgia, of “Experience of Homelessness Discrimination Among Emerging Adults: A Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis,” in the May issue of Emerging Adulthood.
Assistant Professor Anna Luerssen co-authored the article, “Self-esteem and anxious responses to partner feedback: parsing anticipatory and consummatory anxiety,” published in the March issue of Personal Relationships.
Associate Professor Susan Markens co-edited the volume, “Reproduction, Health, and Medicine,” in the series Advances in Medical Sociology (Emerald Group Publishing).
Assistant Professor Naomi Spence published three articles in the Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging: "Family Formation and Dissolution,” “Crowded Nest,” and "Family Demography."