Courses matching your search criteria

Elementary Spanish I (SPA 111)

Code: D401 - 47510
Days: T,Th
Time: 4:00PM - 5:40PM -
Location: Carman Hall 239 CA-239
Instructor: P MORAGA
Code: E401 - 47509
Days: M,W
Time: 9:00AM - 10:40AM -
Location: Carman Hall 239 CA-239
Code: HS01 - 47502
Days: T
Time: 11:00AM - 12:40PM -
Location: Carman Hall 239 CA-239
Instructor: O MARTIN
Code: HS01 - 47502
Days: T
Time: 11:00AM - 12:40PM -
Location: Carman Hall 239 CA-239
Instructor: O MARTIN
Code: HS01 - 47502
Days: T
Time: 11:00AM - 12:40PM -
Location: Carman Hall 239 CA-239
Instructor: O MARTIN
Code: HS01 - 47502
Days: T
Time: 11:00AM - 12:40PM -
Location: Carman Hall 239 CA-239
Instructor: O MARTIN

Elementary Italian Ii (ITA 112)

Code: C401 - 47535
Days: T,Th
Time: 2:00PM - 3:40PM -
Location: Carman Hall 239 CA-239
Instructor: G GALBUSSERA

Elementary French Ii (FRE 112)

Code: F401 - 47541
Days: M,W
Time: 11:00AM - 12:40PM -
Location: Carman Hall 239 CA-239
Instructor: S LEE

Elem Span-heritage Speakers I (SPA 113)

Code: G401 - 47438
Days: M,W
Time: 2:00PM - 3:40PM -
Location: Carman Hall 239 CA-239
Instructor: A MORA

Intro To Lit Studies (SPA 300)

Code: HS81 - 47428
Days: W
Time: 6:00PM - 7:30PM -
Location: Carman Hall 239 CA-239

Semantics (LNG 324)

Code: 01 - 54180
Days: Th
Time: 10:00AM - 12:40PM -
Location: Carman Hall 239 CA-239
Instructor: I ABUELROB

Intro To Mexican & Chicano Lit (SPA 346)

Code: HA81 - 47424
Days: M
Time: 6:00PM - 7:30PM -
Location: Carman Hall 239 CA-239
Instructor: D FERNANDEZ