Courses matching your search criteria

Latinos In The United States (LAC 231)

Code: 01F - 47971
Days: M,W
Time: 9:00AM - 10:15AM -
Location: online OS ONLINE-OS
Instructor: M COBIAN
Code: HA01 - 47973
Days: M
Time: 12:00PM - 1:15PM -
Location: Carman Hall 233 CA-233
Instructor: M COBIAN

Caribbean Societies (AAS 235)

Code: OS01 - 56657
Days: T,Th
Time: 10:30AM - 11:45AM -
Location: online OS ONLINE-OS
Instructor: M COBIAN

Caribbean Societies (LAC 235)

Code: OS01 - 56656
Days: T,Th
Time: 10:30AM - 11:45AM -
Location: online OS ONLINE-OS
Instructor: M COBIAN

Latinos In The United States (LTS 242)

Code: HA01 - 47974
Days: M
Time: 12:00PM - 1:15PM -
Location: Carman Hall 233 CA-233
Instructor: M COBIAN

Studies In Historical Studies (LEH 354)

Code: HA04 - 51287
Days: M
Time: 12:00PM - 1:15PM -
Location: Carman Hall 233 CA-233
Instructor: M COBIAN