Courses matching your search criteria

Us Hlthcare:careers-unique Sys (HPI 101)

Code: 03F - 47076
Days: F
Time: 9:00AM - 11:40AM -
Location: Carman Hall B39 CA-B39
Instructor: C BROWN

Contemporary Moral Issues (PHI 172)

Code: 02F - 46869
Days: F
Time: 12:00PM - 2:40PM -
Location: Carman Hall 349 CA-349
Instructor: C BROWNSON

Lsat Theory And Practice (POL 180)

Code: HA01 - 49029
Days: M
Time: 3:00PM - 4:15PM -
Location: Carman Hall 349 CA-349
Instructor: C BROWNSON

Printmaking Workshop (ART 203)

Code: 81LB - 46659
Days: T
Time: 7:50PM - 9:30PM -
Location: Fine Arts Building 110 FA-110
Instructor: M BROWN
Code: 81LB - 46659
Days: T
Time: 7:50PM - 9:30PM -
Location: Fine Arts Building 110 FA-110
Instructor: M BROWN
Code: 81LC - 48748
Days: T
Time: 6:00PM - 7:40PM -
Location: Fine Arts Building 110 FA-110
Instructor: M BROWN
Code: 81LC - 48748
Days: T
Time: 6:00PM - 7:40PM -
Location: Fine Arts Building 110 FA-110
Instructor: M BROWN

Lsat Theory And Practice (PHI 216)

Code: HA01 - 46858
Days: M
Time: 3:00PM - 4:15PM -
Location: Carman Hall 349 CA-349
Instructor: C BROWNSON

Death, Dying, And Bereavement (SOC 240)

Code: OA01 - 48542
Time: -
Location: online AS ONLINE-AS
Instructor: J BROWN

Us Health Care Del System (HSD 266)

Code: OS81 - 47227
Days: M
Time: 6:00PM - 8:40PM -
Location: online OS ONLINE-OS
Instructor: C BROWN

Hum Resrc Mgt-hlth Srvs (HSA 301)

Code: S301 - 47257
Days: M
Time: 11:00AM - 1:40PM -
Location: Gillette Hall 311 GI-311
Instructor: C BROWN

Advanced Printmaking Workshop (ART 303)

Code: 81LB - 46647
Days: T
Time: 7:50PM - 9:30PM -
Location: Fine Arts Building 110 FA-110
Instructor: M BROWN
Code: 81LB - 46647
Days: T
Time: 7:50PM - 9:30PM -
Location: Fine Arts Building 110 FA-110
Instructor: M BROWN
Code: 81LC - 48773
Days: T
Time: 6:00PM - 7:40PM -
Location: Fine Arts Building 110 FA-110
Instructor: M BROWN
Code: 81LC - 48773
Days: T
Time: 6:00PM - 7:40PM -
Location: Fine Arts Building 110 FA-110
Instructor: M BROWN

Adv Methods Of Social Research (SOC 303)

Code: Z401 - 48469
Days: F
Time: 1:00PM - 4:30PM -
Location: Carman Hall 220 CA-220
Instructor: J BROWN

The Artist's Multiple (ART 313)

Code: 81LB - 46639
Days: T
Time: 7:50PM - 9:30PM -
Location: Fine Arts Building 110 FA-110
Instructor: M BROWN
Code: 81LB - 46639
Days: T
Time: 7:50PM - 9:30PM -
Location: Fine Arts Building 110 FA-110
Instructor: M BROWN
Code: 81LC - 48787
Days: T
Time: 6:00PM - 7:40PM -
Location: Fine Arts Building 110 FA-110
Instructor: M BROWN
Code: 81LC - 48787
Days: T
Time: 6:00PM - 7:40PM -
Location: Fine Arts Building 110 FA-110
Instructor: M BROWN

Stds Philo,theory & Abst Think (LEH 355)

Code: R31T - 47079
Days: Th
Time: 2:00PM - 4:40PM -
Location: Carman Hall 349 CA-349
Instructor: C BROWNSON

Strat Mgmt: Hlt Pln Comp Env (HSA 403)

Code: OS81 - 47237
Days: M
Time: 6:00PM - 8:40PM -
Location: online OS ONLINE-OS
Instructor: C BROWN

Professional Pract-visual Arts (ART 488)

Code: 81LB - 46601
Days: W
Time: 7:50PM - 9:30PM -
Location: Fine Arts Building 005 FA-005
Instructor: M BROWN
Code: 81LB - 46601
Days: W
Time: 7:50PM - 9:30PM -
Location: Fine Arts Building 005 FA-005
Instructor: M BROWN
Code: 81LC - 48815
Days: W
Time: 6:00PM - 7:40PM -
Location: Fine Arts Building 005 FA-005
Instructor: M BROWN
Code: 81LC - 48815
Days: W
Time: 6:00PM - 7:40PM -
Location: Fine Arts Building 005 FA-005
Instructor: M BROWN

Bachelor Of Fine Arts Thesis I (ART 494)

Code: 04 - 46597
Days: W
Time: 9:30AM - 2:00PM -
Location: Fine Arts Building 005 FA-005
Instructor: M BROWN

Bachelorof Fine Arts Thesis Ii (ART 496)

Code: 04 - 46590
Days: W
Time: 9:30AM - 2:00PM -
Location: Fine Arts Building 005 FA-005
Instructor: M BROWN

Principles Of Comp Sci Educ Ii (ESC 538)

Code: OM81 - 53383
Days: T
Time: 6:00PM - 8:40PM -
Location: online OS ONLINE-OS
Instructor: W BROWN

Prac Assmt Ad W/dis (EDS 717)

Code: OS01 - 45867
Days: T
Time: 4:00PM - 5:40PM -
Location: online OS ONLINE-OS
Instructor: T BROWN
Code: OS02 - 45865
Days: M
Time: 4:00PM - 5:40PM -
Location: online OS ONLINE-OS
Instructor: T BROWN

Advanced Printmaking I (ART 730)

Code: VT81 - 46569
Days: T
Time: 6:00PM - 9:30PM -
Location: see notes see notes EE NOTES SEE NOTES
Instructor: M BROWN

Advanced Printmaking Ii (ART 732)

Code: VT81 - 46566
Days: T
Time: 6:00PM - 9:30PM -
Location: see notes see notes EE NOTES SEE NOTES
Instructor: M BROWN

Advanced Printmaking Iii (ART 734)

Code: VT81 - 46568
Days: T
Time: 6:00PM - 9:30PM -
Location: see notes see notes EE NOTES SEE NOTES
Instructor: M BROWN

Advanced Printmaking Iv (ART 736)

Code: VT81 - 46567
Days: T
Time: 6:00PM - 9:30PM -
Location: see notes see notes EE NOTES SEE NOTES
Instructor: M BROWN

Master's Thesis I (ART 748)

Code: 02 - 46554
Time: -
Instructor: M BROWN

Leadership Sem I:needassesment (EDL 808)

Code: OA02 - 45958
Time: -
Location: online AS ONLINE-AS
Instructor: V BROWN

Leadership Sem Ii: Lit Rsrch (EDL 809)

Code: OA08 - 56122
Time: -
Location: online AS ONLINE-AS
Instructor: V BROWN