More letters!

Bravo! I am just letting you know that you have the most informative website for children that I have ever come across.  I am doing research for my eight year old son for a project on disabilities and I am so impressed with the way you "talk" to kids and explain to them things you want to say.  I don't know if you have or have thought about writing a book, but I think that you absolutely should.  You have impressed me so much, and I just wanted you to know that.

Oh I wanted to tell you, I received an Email from a lady who writes books on my condition. She is finishing up her 3rd book and it is from the view of Pediatric patients. And she asked if I would write a little bit about myself and how I cope with my medical problems. She wants to quote some stuff from my page. I think it is AWESOME! So THANK YOU! for taking time to help me and others who are trying to reach out to this world and make them aware of what is happening to us. Hope you have a wonderful Day!

I've been meaning to drop you a line for years now, to say a huge thanks for the exemplary work that you have done on this page and for your wider work in helping kids have a voice and helping adults to hear them :-)

HELLO DEAR FRIEND JUST A LITTLE PRAYER TO TELL YOU HOW MUCH YOU ARE PRECIOUS FOR ME MANY KISSES AND HUGS YOUR FRIEND FOR EVER Christophe (You might want to read  Christophe's story. He lives on the Mauritius Island off the coast of Madagascar...check it out from the site map--kids' column)

My daugher and I loved your story, the 'Dolphin Daydream'. It made us feel all warm inside. I hope you can add more stories like this one.  Thanks

Hello -  Just wanted to tell you what a wonderful site this is.  I just sent it on to the nurse from my daughter's elementary  school. She is in middle now but this site 'grows' along with the kids.  It is obvious that you put a lot of love into this site. 

I just want to say this is the most awesome site I have ever seen for children with chronic medical problems!  I have emailed it to several nursing friends and to families who have children with varying degrees of disability and illness.  Thank you so much for taking the time to build such a wonderful site.

Your site is absolutely wonderful...I am going to refer others. Thanks for creating it!

...I wanted to express to you how terrific I found the site. I have spent the last two hours reading all the different sections as if I was the parent, the nurse, the child, the doctor and so on. I am so impressed and know how important your mission is. Keep up the fabulous must be an angel!

What a wonderful web site! You are to be congratulated on producing such a user friendly and informative web site.  It has become a site I visit regularly. 

Joan, your site absolutely rocks!!! It's 4:40 am here in Tucson, and I'm stressing over an adaptive P.E. meeting next week...So I'm searching, and searching, and I find
you!  What a wealth of information, encouragement, and just "good stuff" you've placed here.  Thanks for your hard work and devotion.

What a beautiful labor of love!  I've given all my colleagues your internet site address.  Thank you so much.

I know you have probably heard this a million times but Bandaides and Blackboards should be a book if it isn't already. How worldly wise these children are and their stories in their own words are a gift to all of us.

I am 15 and I came across your website while looking for some support for my heart condition. I love the website! It has been extremly helpful to me.  I have a long
stretch of road behind me and hopefully a much longer one ahead of me. You have made it that much easier for me to cope with this condition and its contingencies, and for that I am very thankful. 

Your site is awesome...great info...and the awesome stories...Keep up the good work... 

I just wanted to tell you that I find your site really nice...I work for a 'childrens
hospital' and I do 'clowning'. In the hospital setting, sometimes it surely breaks your
heart ! Keep up the good work...

You already know the value of your site...on the comments pages you see over and over again that you have created a literal masterpiece.  I would reinforce in my comments that this masterpiece is not simply a static MONA LISA type achievement but rather a transformative force influencing  all who visit.  I will have over 80 pre-service teachers or M.A. students coming under your influence beginning January 3.  I am so pleased to be able to offer them  YOU and your site. Our on-line course will be the richer for carrying links to Band-Aides and Blackboards.

I just wanted to let you know that you have created a wonderful site! 

Thank you for the information about the MRI Machine I have to take a test on friday and I did not know what the machine looked like.  I was scared to have the test but
your page makes me not scared anymore.  I'm 10 and doing a test on my brain too. Thank you for the information.

I want to congratulate you on the outstanding website you have developed for chronically ill kids.  It is the most  creative, comprehensive, and user friendly (especially for kids) site I have ever encountered. 

My son was diagnosed with osteochondroma not very long ago. We were sent to Children's Hospital in Dallas TX. Thats where he was diagnosed, and I went away from one of the best hospitals for children still not completely understanding what exactly was going on with my son. You see, I'm one of those people afraid to ask questions!  I decided to research it on my own, and through your website, I now have a better understanding of this abnormality! I just wanted to say THANK YOU !!!

I discovered your web site a few weeks ago. It is a treasure of good stuff...I applaud your obvious work of advocacy and am using your website as a valuable resource. Thanks and continue the great work.

I read the story about Sally,  and it was great. I couldn't like stop reading it! 

I think these web pages helped me to understand my brother and sister more, and they helped relieve me, too. thanks

I was diagnosed with Type I diabetes in 1969, when I was eleven years old.  I found your website by accident and want to express my appreciation for what you are doing.  Even though I am 44 years old, I can relate to your words about the isolation felt by children and teens who suffer from chronic illness.  Childhood and adolescence have enough issues without throwing in a chronic illness.  I think diabetes has made me stronger but, given the choice, I would have opted to remain weak.  As a high school teacher, I often talk (and listen) to teenagers struggling with recent diagnoses, and I think this helps both of us.  I so wish I had discovered resources such as you've provided when I was a kid

I think what you are doing- reaching out to and helping so many people- is truly amazing.  And I just wanted to let you know that all of your hard work, effort, and seemingly endless caring is so greatly appreciated... thank you!

I visited the web site today and read all the poems and I felt very hurt that the writers of those poems felt that way. It was very disturbing to me because they can't help what disabilities they have, and then to be teased and taunted for reasons that they can't control isn't right. I think that the web site is very informative because others may not know how they feel. It's a great way for them to express themselves, but I feel bad because of how they feel and what they have gone through and are still going through.

A fantastic website - I will be including the web address in my useful sites list when I am delivering my courses in England.

I don't usually write to people when I visit their sites, but I felt compelled to send you a note to say what a great place it was for me.  Yes, a lot of tears were shed, but a lot of laughing also went on.

I just wanted you to know, I LOVE this website!!! My son is cognitively impaired and although not sick, I gained alot of insight into what the kids are thinking. I came across your site while researching information about my son, and just had to tell you how your pages brightened my day!!

Just wanted to send you a note to tell you how much your site has helped me... I use your site extensively, and wanted to let you know the work you are doing is so important, especially for teachers (even though the site is so kid-friendly).  I am passing on your site to my fellow students who I hope will find the sensitvity issues an important part of their training.  Missed classed time, teasing and sensitivity are such important aspects in dealing with any special education issue.  In doing research I found such limited information on this topic and was relieved to find you. 

I just want to thank you for providing such a wonderfully helpful website to 
the public.  It was extensive in depth and breadth - incredible. I am preparing to be graduated from a master's program and am a therapist in training.  I was able to use your information for one of my last papers.  I'm sure I will return to it in the future as well. I hope you can keep up the good work.

Has anyone told you lately how fabulous your page is? I've spent some time this evening  looking around.  I remember seeing your site a couple of years ago when 
my daughter was first Dx with ALL and I printed out poem "Leukemia and Me." 
 Thanks for maintaining this website.

Your website is amazing, I was thinking of doing something like this for my senior project at school. I was thinking of doing a handbook that teachers could carry around with them to know signs and symptoms of different illness that children may have. But your website links them to everything they need to know and more.  It is a wonderful website for all family  members and friends. You have done a wonderful job keep up the good work.

Hi, you are so wonderful to have such a great website.  That poem about leukemia made me cry.  My infant daughter has leukemia, and I loved the poem.  I love the website too.  I will be visiting all the time until I see it all.  Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to do something like this.

My son was diagnosed with leukemia on 10/8/02. Your poem on leukemia is so appropriate and to see all the other illnesses you have on your  site was amazing.Thank you for all your hard work and for helping to  educate people.

I have to take a moment to thank you for this site! Our older daughter, Annelyse, has been DX'd with Type 1 diabetes since age 4, she is now nearly 13. We have faced seemingly endless problems with her schools. As a special educator, myself, I have done everything possible to advocate on her behalf. Yesterday I discovered your site and the information has been forwarded to her school. We are seriously hoping it will help! I know it has been very helpful to both our daughter and myself to know that "we are not alone". 

I think it's amazing what you have done with your site.

Great web page, the way the web page is set up and illustrated is very eye catching and I enjoyed the personal touch of the children and seeing the world through their eyes. Very fascinating and loving!

I just wanted to let you know I thought your website "Band -Aids and Blackboards" was GREAT!! ... It must be so helpful for children and families. You are such an inspiration to me and I am sure many other nurses out there!!!! Thank you for continuing to excite and inspire!!

Band-Aides and Blackboards is fantastic!  I have been awake all night exploring it... I am so excited to have found your website!  Five weeks ago I had my pulmonary valve replaced and I had an aneurysm corrected... My most recent Open Heart surgery has filled me with so much energy that I can hardly sleep at night just thinking about the new direction my life has taken.  I am hoping to volunteer at the Children's Hospital (in between Cardiac Rehabilitation and taking care of my 8 year old son.)  I'm even thinking about going back to school to become a Cardiac Nurse and college professor. Thank You!  Thank You!   Thank You, for listening to your patients, their parents and for reaching out to teachers and caregivers! I can't wait to continue my exploration of Band-Aides and Blackboards.

I want to thank you for the time, detail, and most of all compassion, that you have brought to this site!!! 

I have a 4 year old who has glaucoma in both eyes.  He has had a rough road with a congenital cataract that resulted in the glaucoma after multiple surgeries.  I happened to stumble onto your website while looking for a chalkboard for my son and I am writing to tell you that the website is wonderful.  My interest is two-fold in that not only do I have a child with a chronic illness but I am also a pediatric nurse working at Childrens in Cincinnati.  Thank you for having a great resource for my child and others.

Thank you, Joan, for the leukemia poem!  My 2 yr old grandson Christian was diagnosed with ALL 7 weeks ago and of course I am hanging out on the web trying to educate myself. I am also a nurse, but this is far from my field.  Anyway, your poem was a delight and I may share it with family who have a difficult time understanding this nasty disease. 

Thank you for your wonderful website...your site has been the most enlightening and meaningful to me. I especially loved the tips from the kids!!!!  I have copied down the
URL and plan to share it with my colleagues when school begins in August.  I just wanted to let you know how much this information has helped me and how I appreciate a current website!!!

Hia, I am a physiotherapy student at the University of East Anglia and I have just stumbled across your website while searching for dissertation literature. I just wanted to say it's so nice to find such positive information out there and to say thanks for putting it there!! I'm sure I'll be recommending it to patients and colleagues for a long time! 

Just a note to say thank you for all of your hard work and phenomenal website.  Our son has been diagnosed with Neurofibromatosis Type I and Childhood Disintegrative Disorder with seizure activity.  We have had battles with the school (although they are great most of the time), but your website helped put a lot of things into perspective--especially behavior.  So, THANK YOU!  We appreciate all of your hard work and efforts; they are invaluable to us!

As a mother of a 5 year old with a rare medical condition, I love your web 
site... I found it bookedmarked under the school system that I work in. Please keep it up!

Want to read some more letters?
  Two more pages!

 To the frog ponds
 To send your comments
 To the site map

Joan Fleitas, Ed.D., R.N.
 Associate Professor of Nursing, Lehman College, CUNY
 Bronx, New York 10468

Last updated: January 29, 2009