Fact Book in PDF
The Lehman College Fact Book provides the college community and public with a historical record of student enrollment, degrees, student performance, staffing, and financial trends. Published annually by the Office of Institutional Research, Planning, and Assessment (OIRPA), the data contained in this book are the official statistics for the college as reported to the Federal government, New York State, and other entities.
This information has been compiled by the Office of Institutional Research, Planning and Assessment using the CUNY Institutional Research Database (IRDB) and with cooperation from other offices at the campus. Our appreciation is extended to all of the offices that collaborated in the research and gathering of information for this year's book.

Fall 2019 Fact Book
FALL 2019 Semester Overview
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See our Interactive Fact Book and our Archives for other relevant data about Lehman College.

Progress and Performance

The Fact Book is also published in interactive format. Please visit our webpage at http://www.lehman.edu/institutional-research/interactive-factbook.php