Survey Summaries
Lehman College, often in conjunction with CUNY’s Office of Institutional Research and Assessment (OIRA), periodically conducts institutional assessments of various aspects of the college experience. The goals of these assessments are to gain an understanding of how students’ (and employees) feel about Lehman College compared to other colleges within the University and beyond. Below are descriptions of some of the recent assessments undertaken by the College along with results of each assessment.
Faculty Job Satisfaction Survey
The Faculty Satisfaction Survey is a periodic survey managed by the Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE) at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. It is administered periodically to full time faculty at each of the College’s senior campuses. It was last administered in 2014 and will be administered again in 2019. Key sections of the survey examine:
- - Nature of Work: Research, Teaching, and Service
- - Resources and Support
- - Tenure & Promotion
- - Institutional Leadership
- - Shared Governance
- - Department Engagement, Quality, & Collegiality
- - Appreciation & Recognition
The complete set of results from 2014 is available HERE Results from the 2019 survey will be posted when they become available.
CIRP Freshman Survey
As the name implies, the Cooperative Institutional Research Program’s (CIRP) Freshman Survey is a survey administered periodically by the College to newly entering Freshman early in their first semester enrolled at the College. Managed by the Higher Education Research Institute at UCLA, the instrument collects information that allows for a snapshot of what incoming students look like before they begin their college experience. Key sections of the survey examine:
- - Established behaviors in high school
- - Academic preparedness
- - Admissions decisions
- - Expectations of college
- - Interactions with peers and faculty
- - Student values and goals
- - Student demographic characteristics
- - Concerns about financing college
Lehman most recently administer the survey in fall 2017. The complete set of results are available HERE.
CUNY Student Experience Survey (SES)
The CUNY Experience Survey is administered bi-annually to undergraduate students 18 years of age or older at each of CUNY’s 23 colleges. The questionnaire is designed to provides each College with a profile of their students as well feedback on how well each College is meeting the needs of students. Key sections of the survey examine:
- - Home life
- - Work experience
- - Ease of enrolling in desired classes
- - Satisfaction with student services
- - Satisfaction with academic support services
Results from recent Student Experience Surveys are available on CUNY Office of Institutional Research and Assessment’s website.
National Survey of Student Engagement
Every few years Lehman participates in the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE). NSSE collects information from first-year (<30 credits) and senior (>90 credits) students about the characteristics and quality of their undergraduate experience. The results provide an estimate of how undergraduates spend their time and what they gain from attending college. Key sections of the survey examine:
- - Academic Challenge
- - Learning with Peers
- - Experiences with Faculty
- - Campus Environment
Results from the College’s most recent NSSE survey administration are available by clicking HERE. Contact the Office of Institutional Research, Planning and Assessment for further details and for previous the results from prior years. Please note that the College will be administering NSSE again in spring 2019.
Student Satisfaction Inventory TM (SSI)
Like NSSE, every few years Lehman administers the Ruffalo Noel Levitz Student Satisfaction Inventory (SSI). The SSI measures student satisfaction and priorities, showing colleges how satisfied students are as well as what issues are most important to them. Key sections of the survey examine:
- - Student services
- - Advisement
- - Facilities
- - Environment
- - Faculty
Results from the College’s most recent Student Satisfaction Inventory survey are available by clicking HERE.
CUNY Performance Management Process (PMP)
The City University of New York follows a performance management process (PMP) that links planning and goal setting by the University and its colleges and professional schools, measures annual progress towards key goals, and recognizes excellent performance.
Each year, CUNY’s Chancellor states the University’s performance goals for the upcoming academic year, guided by the University’s Master Plan. CUNY presidents and professional school deans, working with their executive teams and college communities, establish performance targets for their institution for the coming year reflecting plans for existing or new initiatives.
At the end of each academic year, each college’s progress on university and college goals is assessed, and strengths and ongoing challenges are identified. The Chancellor meets with each college president or dean annually to review institutional performance, recognize successful performance, and identify future priorities. College presidents and deans then lead their respective campus communities to advance the University and college goals.
The purpose of the PMP is to:
- - To ensure clarity about University and college priorities and expectations for the year
- - To recognize and acknowledge progress at all levels
- - To unite a diverse set of colleges into an integrated University
- - To ensure that the Master Plan guides the plans and priorities of the colleges while each retains its own identity, mission, and governance
- - To introduce more accountability into the system
For additional information about the PMP including results from the past several years, please click HERE.