This Web site is the product of five years of exciting workshops on computational biology. Three of the workshops (2010, 2012, and 2014) focussed on models relevant to the progress of cancer and two workshops (2011 and 2013) focussed on modeling atrial fibrillation.
Fifteen students attended most workshops (20 attended in 2013) and engaged in collaborative, interdisciplinary teams to study the workshop topic. Each workshop culminated in a student project. Students presented the results toward the end of the workshop. These students are now in graduate school or in professional jobs, almost all in science or technology.
The primary goal of the workshop was to encourage early career scientists, especially women and under-represented minorities, to persist in their careers in science. A secondary goal was to encourage collaboration and interdisciplinary work. The success of the workshops in achieving both goals can be seen from the students’ careers, from their enthusiasm for the workshop, and from their continuing interactions with each other.
These pages present the materials used in the five workshops, in their final form at the end of each respective workshop. There is a separate section for each workshop year 2010-2014 divided into seven parts: main (overview); pre- workshop materials (suggested readings in computer tools, modeling and biology); staff; lectures and reading (complete syllabus for all three weeks); downloads and manuals; student exercises and projects (including photos of participants and slides for each team research project presen- tation); and visitors (researchers from other CMACS institutions).
James Faeder of the University of Pittsburgh, Ilya Nemenman of Emory University, Flavio Fenton of Georgia Tech, and Ezio Bartocci of the Vienna University of Technology defined the research projects performed by the students.
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0926200.